Chapter 4

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As I was reading the first sentence of my book, I was interrupted by the door slamming open and shut. It startled Delphini and me, both of us jumping, Delphi tightening her grip on my neck a little. Delphi then looked at me, giving me a look that I could tell meant, 'What was that?'. "I don't know." I said as I went towards my door. Quite obviously I knew that the family had arrived back to the house, but why slam the door? And now that I think about it, they came home earlier than usual when they went out.

I slowly opened the door, creeping through it. I grabbed Delphi and put her under my hoodie. I knew that my mother would most likely kill Delphi if she ever found out about her. "-and then the glass disappeared, it was like magic!" I heard Harry exclaim from downstairs, he sounded like he was gritting his teeth. 'What happened at the zoo?' I thought. "Don't be ridiculous, there is no such thing as magic!" I heard my father scold Harry. Then there was a slam from under the stairs, indicating that dad had locked Harry in his 'room'.

I walked downstairs cautiously, not wanting to be the new target to get screamed at. I peeked around the corner of where the family was. I almost broke down laughing when I saw my brother soaked, a towel clung to his shaking figure. Not to mention he was fake sobbing into mom's arms, his eyes glued to the TV behind her. Dad was sitting next to the pair asking them questions, trying to get Dudley to explain what had exactly happened. 'But what had happened?', I was determined to find out.

I carefully made my way Harry's cupboard, trying to draw the least amount of attention as possible. I tapped on the his door and undid the lock on it. I pulled open the door, Harry looking at me with wide eyes. I quickly scurried in without making a sound. I shut the door and turned to Harry. I quickly let Delphi out of my hoodie, poor thing was probably suffocating under there. I quickly looked at Harry, who was looking quite curious, him backing up a tiny bit. "Don't freak out. She's not mean or anything." "I'm not freaked out, well maybe just a little ." He said with a nervous smile, eyeing Delphi with a cautious look. "But may I ask how you got her?" He asked quizzically. I sighed and told him how I obtained Delphi. To be honest, he didn't seem as surprised as I that thought he would be, which was a little strange.

"You want to hold her?" I asked. He nodded, "Sure.". I tried to hand him Delphi, but she kept clinging to my arm, staring at Harry. "Want to stay with me instead?" I asked her, to which she nodded her head. "Sorry. I guess she's shy, if that's even possible." I say with a smile. "It's okay. I'm fine with not dealing with snakes for today." Harry said, which made me look at him with a questioning look. "Uh, Harry, what exactly happened at the zoo?" The curiosity was killing me at this point. "Oh yeah, you weren't there. So your brother and I were walking through the reptile house. And there was this snake from Brazil that wasn't moving and your brother was getting impatient as always. Then he started yelling at the poor thing to move and started to pound on the glass. Then he left because he got bored and I went to look at the snake. And....." He trailed off. "And what? What happened, Harry?" I asked quizzically, letting my curiosity show. "Then, I don't know why, I started talking to it. Then one thing led to another and I was having a conversation with it and it was answering my question by shaking its head yes or no. Like how you and Deli, I don't know if I'm saying that right, communicate. Then as soon as your brother caught eye of it moving he came crashing into me to see it. He had knocked me down and he was leaned up against the glass. I was really mad at him and next thing I knew the glass disappeared and he fell into the enclosure. The snake slithered out on the floor next to me and said, and I'm not joking, 'Thanks'. After the snake slithered away, Dudley was trying to get out of it's enclosure but he couldn't because the glass that disappeared had then appeared again and it trapped him inside. I, of course, got blamed for everything, even though I don't see the connection Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had made with me and that. Besides the getting in trouble part, it was pretty funny." He finished, leaving nothing but astonishment written across my features. I was at a loss of words. He talked to a snake, too? The glass disappeared? So I'm not crazy! It's happening to him, too!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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