Happiness Continues

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Anna's POV

I was kinda nervous for today. AG and I were going to the doctor to see I'm fertile enough to have a baby. And to see the options we had.

We got to the doctors office and met with one of AG's friends from medical school. Her name was Dr. Sarah Lynch. She was very sweet and greeted me. We sat down and began the exam.

The doctor took my blood, and my vitals and it was all clear. She then gave me a exam. AG held my hand and talked to me the whole time.

The exam was over and she moved us to a small conference room. We began to have a conversation.

Dr: so Anna your vitals and your testing came back just perfect. You are fertile and able to carry. Now do you both know what you want to do? Or would you like me to explain options.

AG: well we had been talking a lot and we both want this to be easy for Anna and as safe as possible. What do you recommend for us?

Anna: we do know we want the baby to look like both of us. Is that a possibility?

Dr: well lucky for you both medicine has developed over time. We can now bring both female eggs and combine them with a single sperm. This option is safe and healthy. You would have to choose a donor but because there are a egg from each of you our rate of genetics are very high. Usually the male genetics that is provided only creat the baby but barley show in the baby's face or features.

Anna: wow so you are saying we can make this happen? To where the baby will look like AG and I more than the donor?

Dr: yes.

AG: i say we do it!

AG looks at me and smiles. I know this would be very expensive though. I don't work besides social media but AG is the one with the money at the moment. This had to be so much. So I asked

Anna: So what would the price be?

Dr: well it is a lot but with AG's insurance and medical benefits it does bring it down a lot. It would in the end be $25,000 per try. If the sperm doesn't work the first time we can try again but it's that much we try.

I look at AG and she says to me "we can do this. I want to do this. Okay? Money doesn't matter to me. Family does." I smiled and I looked back at the doctor.

Anna: we wanna do it.

Dr: okay then. We will schedule you an appointment to look over the donors and we then can schedule your operation date. Thank you both. Hedi in the front will schedule you.

AG: thank you so much Sarah. See you later

We both walk out hand in hand with smiles on our faces. "We are really gonna do this!" I say to ag. "Yes we are!" She smiles and gives me a kiss.

Time Skip

Today was the day. We picked out donor and we did all the paperwork and payments. Today AG and I were getting our baby in me. Wow. Sounds crazy right. The sperm had been collected and AG was in another room getting her eggs removed. They removed 31. They kept one but too the rest so they can freeze the rest of them so if it didn't work the first time we had the option to try again later. 

I was put in another room where they would combine all the sperm and eggs in me. I was so excited to start this journey.

Time skip

We both got out of the doctor and left. We got home and AG and I sat down on the couch.

"So the wedding is in 2 weeks. The doctor said it might take 2 weeks to tell if you are pregnant. How do you feel about that?" AG asks me.

"Bub I am so ready. From here on out our life is going to be crazy. But I'm ready for crazy. I'm kinda scared for the whole pregnancy and the sickness and pain but I know I'll be okay." I say holding her hand.

She starts to play with my hand moving her thumb up and down. "I can't wait either. And I love you so so much." AG tells me.

A/N: i hope you liked it. Again sorry it was short. The next chapter is their wedding!!! Will anna be pregnant?! Find out next chapter!! Pls vote and comment!! Love y'all 💕

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