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Anna's POV

It's been almost 7 months. This baby girl is getting so big. AG and I finally picked a name for her. Her name was going to be, Luna Grace McDaniel.

We fell in love with the name after my mom said it. And I chose the middle name. Obviously AG's middle name. We loved it.

Today we were getting everything set up. The crib, the nursery, and gettin our hospital bag ready. The baby was coming very soon so we wanted to be prepared.

AG was building the crib when I felt a sharp pain in my side. I didn't think anything of it, till I felt I had to puke. I ran to the restroom and AG noticed. She ran after me and I was puking in the toilet. She held my hair bad and rubbed my back.

"Whats wring? I thought the morning sickness went away?" AG asked me. "I'm not sure, maybe it's—" I puked again. "Maybe it's something I ate. Maybe it's something the baby doesn't like." I finished telling her.

We got up and I felt dizzy. I grab ag and she hold onto me. "Bub you don't look good." AG tells me. I didn't feel good. But I didn't want to worry her. Or overthink anything. We move back to the nursery and AG sits me on the rocking chair. She calls my mom and asks if she ever had this or knew what it was.

"Hey mrs Shumate. Anna isn't feeling well and she's puking again. She got over the morning sickness early on. But she just puked twice and had a sharp pain on her side. Do you know what we should do?" AG asks.

Ag puts my mother on speaker. "AG it all should be fine. Usually during the final stages the baby will reject foods and liquids. This happened to me when I ate Pineapples with Anna and she was born allergic to pineapples. So maybe your baby girl will be allergic to something you ate." My mom said.

I sighed in relief. "Okay thank you mom. That's a relief. Hopefully next time I know what she doesn't like." I said.

AG said goodbye and hung up the phone. "Well our baby is gonna be like you. Allergic to something!" We both laugh. And continue to paint and build the nursery.

Time skip.

Anna's friends from high school was coming over. His name was Aaron. Anna said he wanted to catch up and see how she was. I didn't know much about him so I told anna id be back. I left and went to the store to get more paint and supplies for the nursery.

It took me a while to get all the supplies. But I got a surprise for Anna. It was a beautiful picture frame that had baby feet all over. It was empty so we can frame the announcement pictures and pictures of our baby girl once she came later on. I was very excited to give it to her.

I get home and I see Arons car was still parked outside. I guess they really did have to catch up. I walk inside and I drop everything. Anna shoot up from the couch and runs to me. "AG it's not what it looks li-" before Anna could finish I slammed the door behind me and drove off.

Tears streamed down my face, my buckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel so tight out of anger. She was kissing him!

My wife. My baby's mother. Anna. Was kissing this guy. This guy I didn't even know. I wanted to yell and scream and beat the living shit out of this guy but I didn't. Knowing anna had been going through this pregnancy I didn't want to scare the baby or make her stress. I just left.

I wasn't sure where I was going to go. I just went. I cried, i screamed and I cried more. Just on the drive. I then get a call from her. I decline it. She continues to call. I got annoyed so I shut my phone off completely. It began to rain. I was so angry and sad I knew I shouldn't be driving while it's raining.

So I drive a few more minutes till I get to pypers home. I walked in the rain to her doorstep. Then I knocked...

Pypers POV

Alexa had just left to work and the baby was finally asleep. I had just sat down to take a break when I hear a knock at the door. I sigh and get up. I walk to the door and open it.

It was AG. Crying helplessly with her clothes completely wet. I grabbed her arm and pulled her in.

"AG what the hell. What's wrong?" I ask her while getting a blanket for her from the couch. She wraps it around her and falls to the floor.

I sit beside her and hold her arm. "AG please tell me what's wrong. You are scaring me." I tell her.

She then looks at me and speaks. "It-it- i- i- saw anna- anna. Kissing- a guy." She told me barley even able to speak. I felt terrible for her. I grabbed her and brought her into a hug. "Oh ag. I'm sorry. I don't know what to say I mean I never thought she'd do that." I run AG's back and she cry's in my arms.

Time Skip. Later That Night

Pyper's POV

I got ag to calm down and tell me exactly what she saw. It was hard for her to tell me and relive that memory in her head. We talked and I got her some dry clothes from alexas closet. She showered and dried up. I made dinner while she played with Delilah. The whole time she played with Delilah she cried. I know this was hard on AG knowing she had a baby girl coming so soon. And her wife cheated on her. Alexa got home just in time after I finished making dinner.

"Oh AG hey. Nice to see you." She says. Then she noticed the clothes on ag were hers. "Uh are those my clothes." AG sits in silence and i pull Alexa to the kitchen to talk privately.

"Shh! Don't be mad at her. Anna cheated one her and Ag was out in the rain before she came here. So I gave her some of your clothes okay. Don't say anything we just have to help her out till they figure things out." I tell my wife.

"Anna? Anna cheated? Holy shit. I fee so bad for AG." Alexa says.

"I know so we have to be there for AG." I tell her. She kisses me and we all sit down for dinner.

"So AG you can stay as long as you need with us okay?" Alexa says at the dinner table. Ag smiles and said "thank you guys. But really I'll be okay. I'll probably just get a hotel. I don't want to invade on your lives." I look at Alexa. Then at AG. "Of course not ag. You are not invading at all. We are here for you. You can stay as long as you'd like." I tell AG.

AG ends up spending the night tonight and sleeps in our extra room. She was very quiet the whole night. Then Alexa and I fell asleep.


I was so numb. Seeing my wife with someone else, kissing him, with our baby in her. It killed me. I powered my phone back on and I saw I had 45 missed calls and 20 voicemails from anna. I didn't open the voice messages I just sat there.

How could she do this? Why did she just make this so complicated. Why would she kiss him? I need to clear my mind. So i say there. In the dark. In silence. In my own thoughts. What was I going to do? How would we ever get out of this. Then I drift off to sleep.

A/N: well I hope this was the drama you wanted. I didn't want anything bad to happen with the baby so I scared you in the begging but made a real problem in the end. What will ag do? How will they fix this? Vote and comment pls!! I LOVE YALL!! 💕💕

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