💕 Luna Grace McDaniel 💕

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Anna's POV

The pain was getting worse. Everything was hurting. The doctor asked if I wanted the epidural to call the pain but I said no. I didn't want more pain of the huge needle going into my spine.

AG was there the whole time holding my hand and talking me through it all. She called my parents and they were getting a flight down here to meet their grand baby.

I was 8 centimeters now so the doctor said two more and I can start pushing.

Two hours later.

I was in so much pain it felt as if the pain just kept getting worse and worse. It wasn't until the doctor came in to check on me and see how many centimeters had left.

"Oh wow! You are at 10 now!" The doctor said to me. AG looked at me and smiled. "You ready?" She asked. I kissed her and said "yes of course."

Ten Minutes later.

I heard the baby crying. The doctor took her to the cleaning station and checked everything. AG went to go see if she was all fine. The doctors stitched me up and covered me. I then see my beautiful wife walking towards me with our daughter. AG was crying. She comes to me and sits "she has your eyes Bub." AG says while handing me our baby girl.

As soon as I see Luna I begin to cry. She was perfect. Our little baby girl was here. She had my eyes, AG's single dimple on her right cheek, she had AG's perfect nose and a mix of both our eye brows. I couldn't be anymore happier. I look at AG and I kiss her.

"We did it. She's here." I tell AG.

"Here you go mrs mcdaniel, here is the birth certificate for Luna Grace Mcdaniel born on September 18th, 2027. At 3:26pm. Weighing 6lbs. 3ounces... she is a perfectly healthy baby. Congratulations you too." The nurse tells us.

It was a perfect day. Our perfect baby girl was here.

Time skip.

Our fans kept asking for updates but we didn't want to post a picture yet till annas parents meet Luna. So we decided to share her name.

The fans freaked out and loved lunas name

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The fans freaked out and loved lunas name. They already made fan accounts for Luna and everything.

There even was a fan account of bodyguards for Luna. They were called Dykes Hazard. They agreed to protect Luna at all cost. They were funny. I followed them on my Instagram because they were a pretty cool group of people. Plus I need all the help I can get to protect my baby girl😂

The doctor said we can leave the hospital as soon as two days. We were excited. We can't wait to take our baby home.

Time skip.

Anna's parents show up and I greet them. Anna was laying in the bed with the baby. Anna's mom walks slowly to the bed. She finally sees the baby and she begins to cry. She then hugs me again and tells me "she's beautiful! She looks so much like you both." I laugh and I say, "I know, I'm just glad she has annas blue eyes. She's perfect." We smile at eachother. Anna hugs her mom and dad and she asks, "mom, would you like to hold your first grand baby?" Annas mom still crying says, "yes please". She then hold her. Her parents fell in love.

A little after we had our moments as a family we finally posted the picture of her.

Fans went crazy again and went on about how beautiful she was

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Fans went crazy again and went on about how beautiful she was. And how much she looked like Anna and I. They were in love as well.

It was our first night in the hospital, Annas parents went to our home to sleep. We gave them the keys and they left. Anna and I fell asleep on the hospital bed. The baby in my arms she slept so well. She was perfect. Anytime she cried I would talk to her and she would smile and fall asleep again. I loved her so so much. We already had such a bond.

I was so happy in this moment of life. It couldn't have been any better.

A/N: dykes hazard!!! Did you like your honorable mention? Ahhaha love y'all so much!! PLS VOTE AND COMMENT! 💕💕

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