Back To Complicated

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Anna's POV
3 Months Later

Well It's been a few weeks back here in LA. We got our content house back together and since then we've been super busy. Not only have i had personal endeavors but also with the group of girls i've been running around like crazy lately.

When i left home, AG and i didn't really leave off on good terms. We were all good until it got real. The realization that i'll be gone for a while again.

AG thought it was best for me to stay home and stay as healthy as possible with the baby. I am 4 and a half months pregnant and i understand why she wanted me to stay. But i also couldn't turn down the opportunity of being with my friends again.

AG and i got into a huge fight and she gave me an ultimatum. she said if i go then we would have to go to therapy and counseling because our relationship is very diverse and one sided.

She went on to say that i was very selfish for leaving everything behind once again, and not being apart of Lunas life. it was the same thing again. all over.

Well here i am. i obviously didn't listen and i'm here. I love AG and i know how hard she works on not only our family but her job and us. But i really do see how we haven't been working as a whole together.

But here i am. For the next few months till i have this baby. And we decided not to find out the gender separately but i want to know so bad. And i can't just go to a doctors appointment here in LA cause if i do, then AG will feel left out and we will fight again.

it's been very hard but we will get through it. we always do.

anyways today we have a press shoot in a abandoned car shop. the girls and i are dressing in these race jackets and it's super cute! eva is finally back from her trip with her husband and all the girls are back together again. it felt so amazing!

we all went in groups in separate cars. eva and karina went in one car, tori and pami, me and sab in another. plus all the other girls and photographers in another car.

sab and i are in my car driving to the place when she looks at me.

i laugh, "what? do i have something on my face?" i ask her. she smiles and says, "no it's just-" and she stops.

"just what?" i ask. "well i can tell when something is wrong. i've known you forever and i know when something is up." she tells me.

"i'm fine dude really." i tell her.

she gives me a look and stares me down. "don't lie shilme! i know you too well!" she yells at me.

i give in and begin to tell her how difficult it was to leave ag and how we aren't doing well.

"it's just that ag has always been there for me no matter what i do, and i know i leave her a lot but this is what i love. it just sucks that the more i leave the less she supports me." i tell sab.

she sighs and doesn't say anything.

"what? way it! what are you gonna say?" i tell her.

"okay but you promise not to be mad at me? i'm just going to tell you the truth." sab says.

i nod and she speaks. "well i understand both sides. i know this is what you love and this has been your life since you were a teenager, but anna we are adults now. a lot of us have family's and relationships we need to hang onto other than this. i get where ag is coming from. she just wants to have a healthy relationship with you and your family. she isn't unsupportive, she is just worried about luna and her not having you around for the big moments. ag just wants you to be happy, and wants the best for you. but you also have to realize that she has needs also.... she works, and she takes care of luna. she's living a single parent life. but the truth is she's not single, she has you. but you aren't there. she needs you, and you both need to figure it out."

wow. who would've thought that sab, the only one who isn't married and has no kids would know so much about life!

"damn. i never really think of these things till people lay it out on a plate for me." i say.

it's true. the last time i was in this situation pyper helped me realize what i needed to do. i've never really been good at being a wife or mother i guess.

"it's okay. sometimes people need friends to help them with these things. that's why i'm here." sab tells me.

after our conversation we get to the place.

the shoot went well and the pics came out fire. our photographers are amazing. when i got out of the place i had 3 missed calls from AG.

i just sighed cause i know she's probably mad i didn't answer. it's been so weird and i hate it.

we get in the car again and head back to the house. on our way there was these guys in the car next to us hitting on me and sab. they kept honking and trying to cat call us. it was kinda funny.

we stopped at a red light when sab rolled her window down. "hey ladies" one of the guys says.

"hey! how y'all doin?" sab said. they all smiled and said good. the light turned green and we speed away. it was funny. the guys started to speed up to us and they were super annoying after a few minutes.

we rolled the windows back up and didn't give them the time of day.

"hey sab you should hit that!" i told sab. she looked at me and laughed. "hit what?"

"i don't know anyone of them! when's the last time you had sex? 2020?" i said while laughing also. after sans break up with her boyfriend she hasn't been with anyone for so many years. out of all of us she's the only one not married or in a relationship.

"nahhhh! i'm good! not my type at the moment." she said with a small smile.

oh my god! is she telling me what i think she's telling me? i had to say something!

"explainneee" i said dragging out my one word sentence.

"anna, i'm bisexual, i can't believe you never realized it." she told me.

"sab! oh my gosh!! i'm so happy for you!" i said while shifting over in my seat slowly to hug her from across the front seat.

i gave her a huge hug and i put my eyes back on the road. but it was too late. i tried to swerve away but,


A/N: ahhhhhh!!! sorry if this is a terrible way to end this chapter. i know a lot of y'all hate cliffhangers. but anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter and more to come. again i always say it i've been super busy lately, yes i'm still with my gf! but i figured i'd give y'all a christmas present and finish this chapter out!! merry christmas everyone! LOVE YALL!! 💕💕

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