~1~ Jumped

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Rayna POV


I woke up with a snoring Vallyk right next to me. I smiled as I looked at him and started to play with his curls. I sighed than sat up and seen Devin and Kobe laying on the ground. They had looked cold so I threw a cover over them. I went into Jiggy's room and seen him and Akyla cuddled up.

I smiled to myself then walked out and shut the door behind me. I went downstairs and started to make breakfast for everyone. As I was about to sit down and eat my food someone knocked on the door. I walked to the door and when I opened is I saw Keanni standing there crying.

He had a black eye, a busted lip and the side of this forehead was bleeding. He pushed past me and walked into the house. I shut the door behind him and then locked it. "Yo whats wrong, what happened?" "Where are they?" "what are you talking about? "Look what the fuck they did to me!" He said pulling at his ripped up shirt.

WHO? "Malaya, Derek, Josh, and Jacob beat the shit out of me and jacked all of my jewelry last night and left me there on the cold ground in the dark alley because Jiggy, Akyla, Vallyk, Devin, and Kobe decided to scrape the paint off of Trentyn's mom car." He looked at me than at the stairs.

I turned around and seen Akyla walking down the stairs. I walked up to Keannin with my hands out already knowing what he was about to do. Keannin pushed me out the way then walked up to Akyla and started to choke her. He shoved her to the wall and soon her feet and the ground was divided.

I immediately ran up behind him and jumped on his back. "Yo chill out!" His grip didn't loosen so I bit him on the shoulder. He sat Akyla back on the ground but his hand was still wrapped around her neck. He threw his head back to hit me on my head. I fell off with another hard hit from the ground to my head and then blacked out.

Akyla POV

I watched as Rayna fell to the ground. I looked to see if she was still breathing and thankfully she was. I reached my hand out to his face trying to do anything to gain back my breath. As I was about to give up I seen all four of the boys run downstairs.

Vallyk and Devin ran to Rayna, while Kobe came up behind Keanni and held him in a choke hold. He let go of me and I fell to the ground. I felt hands on my face and seen Jiggy holding my face. "Is my sister okay?" He yelled out but not taking his eyes off of me.

"Yeah she good" I heard Vallyk yell back. Jiggy looked down at my neck and it was a purple bruise covering my neck. He softly touched it and I winced in pain. I seen Rayna get back to her feet than everyone else walked up to me. Vallyk looked at my neck than back to Keannin.

He grabbed him by his shirt and punched him in the jaw. He got on top of him but before he could throw another punch Kobe broke Vallyk off of him.

Malaya POV

Friday(Last night)

As I was in the shower my phone started to ring. I quickly washed the rest of the soap off of me and grabbed my towel and hopped out. I looked at the caller ID and it had said Trentyn. I rolled my eyes then answered the phone.



What are you doing at the moment?

Nothing just got out the shower why?

Well I need you, to run along with Derek, Josh, and Jacob.

To do what?

Well I'm looking at my security camera and I see Vallyk, Akyla, Devin, and Kobe scraping the paint off of my mom's car.

All right just tell them to come to my crib then we can leave from here.



I grabbed my bat and we all walked out the door. We walked to Akyla's crib and when we got there we saw Keannin talking to Cohen on their porch. We hid behind the neighbors car and waited. We watched as Cohen and Keannin dapped each up than Cohen shut the door.

As Keannin was walking away we got from behind the car. Once he seen how many of us there was he took off running. As he turned the block I realized he was headed to Rayna and Jiggy's place. I picked up my speed making sure I got to him before he got there. We made it to an alley and I swung my bat at his side causing him to fall to the ground.

Josh, Jacob, and Derek immediately started jumping him. I took off his white air forces. I sighed already knowing they was too big for me. I checked the size and than sat them to the side. I went inside his pockets and pulled out all his money. I pulled off his chains than stuffed them into my pocket.

Once he was to the point of coughing up blood and crying out tears, we left him be. I picked my bat up off the ground and grabbed all of the other things and than we ran off leaving him there. Once we made it to my house I made sure to lock the door. All of them sat on the couch as I stood in front of them.

I threw the white air forces at Josh since they were his size. He smiled as he held the shoes in his hand. Since there was only three chains I kept one gave one to Derek, and one to Jacob. As Derek was putting my chain on for me I pulled the cash out of my pocket and started to count it.

Once I was done it came down to 500. I Pulled 125 out of the stack then rapped a rubber band around it. I threw the stack to Jacob than I did the same for me, Josh, and Derek. Once we was done I sat on Derek's lap and than we turned a movie on.

First Chapter Is Short

But 1070 Words!

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