Having a Nightmare

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-At first, he's really confused about what's even going on. He walks back from the bathroom to see you shaking in your sleep. "Y/N?," he mumbles. He walks over to the bed and sits by you. "No... NO!," you say in your sleep, soon followed by you waking up with a jolt. You being breathing heavily. "Hey, hey, calm down-," he says quietly, wrapping his arms around you. You hug him tightly and cry. He softly rubs your head and you two stay in this position for awhile, the moonlight pouring in from the window, illuminating your bodies. You look up at him, and he kisses your forehead. "I'm here. You're safe, dear," he says with a reassuring smile. You stay close to his chest, still a bit freaked out from whatever your nightmare had been about. He glances at the clock, which read '4:12 am.' "You should try to sleep some more. The Phantom Thieves are having a meeting tomorrow at Leblanc. You're part of us, right?" You nod. "Then try to rest so you can go to it." "Okay, Akira," you mutter, beginning to lay down. Before you could, he grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into a soft kiss. You kissed back and you two held it for awhile. He slowly let go of the kiss, and your shoulders. "Goodnight, darling," you say with a smile. "Goodnight, love."


-He would be such a panicked mess. He would be so worried that something bad happened to you. He wakes up to the sound you gasping and crying. "Babe?," he mutters. You both look at each other, and he immediately hugs you as tight as possible. "Shh.. what's wrong?," he asks softly. "I-I..," you began, unable to complete a sentence. He kisses your forehead gently, and pets your head. "Nightmare?" You hesitate to answer. "If I tell you what's wrong, I'll sound stupid..," you mumble. You were tough around others. You didn't show your emotions much. But around your boyfriend? He was like your therapist. "No you won't, baby.. Tell me," he whispers, kissing your head again. You hesitate once more. "Yeah, it was a nightmare..." He sighs and looks at the clock. "It's already 4:30. Wanna watch some TV before the sun rises? I mean, you can sleep if you want, but..," he began, but you grabbed the remote before he could finish. "That sounds good," you smile. He chuckles, and you guys both end up falling asleep again anyways, the television playing in the background.


It was twelve am. You were fast asleep on Yusuke's bed while he worked silently at his easel. There was a thunderstorm occurring outside. Somehow, it made its way into your dreams. Yusuke was still awake since he hates taking breaks on his paintings. He also wanted to watch out for you, he wanted to make sure you were safe. He gasped and rushed over to you as soon as he heard you jolt awake. Your breathing was heavy and you were sobbing. "Y/N!," he called while taking your face in his hands. "What happened? What's the matter?" You choked out that you had a nightmare. You thought it would seem childish, but he sure didn't. "My my...," he cooed gently. "It's okay. I'm here now." He hugged you tightly and stroked your hair, occasionally kissing your forehead. His soothing presence was all it took to make you feel better. He let you cling to him for as long as you needed, and if you needed to rant about the dream, he was always listening. 

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