Chapter 12

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Ulviir dropped into a fighting stance, her fingers blurring to nock a long, wickedly sharp black arrow to her bow, pointing it at the new arrival, who seemed unbothered by the threat.

Peacebloom's ageless smile shed its incandescent rays upon Midge from their narrow, elongated face, and she anticipated her body's usual reaction; squirming in place, drooping shoulders and avoiding eye contact.

Instead her mind darted in lightning-quick circles, chasing thoughts that had never occurred to her before. Where did that old sense of worthlessness originate? Were her fellow greyfolk really so listless and useless, or had they simply been told for too long that they were listless and useless? Why else would her reaction to a creature's beauty be to feel dismay at her own lack thereof?

Too long had she been made to feel less-than for simply being born herself. Straightening her shoulders, she met the ambassador's sparkling eyes and gritted her teeth. "Peacebloom. Welcome to the Island of the Fay. Ironic, isn't it?"

Peacebloom's wings fluttered slower for a moment, becoming a barely visible shimmer in the air behind them. They fluttered their wings again, sending them in a swirl around Midge's head before stopping in front of her face once more, too close for comfort.

"It has taken us so long to find you," Peacebloom piped up at last, and their voice was stronger than their small stature, ringing through the clearing.

The grass rustled behind Midge and Rita appeared, scowling at the tiny fae, then the flame-engulfed tree behind them. "Was this necessary? Why not just take the Southport Portal and fly here?"

"The Queen knew not if Midge was in danger," Peacebloom said, indignance bristling every line of their tiny body. Their face softened again as they turned back to Midge. "We are so pleased you are safe. Her Majesty eagerly awaits your return. The portal will not remain open long. Come with us. Come home."

"I prefer to stay," Midge enunciated, lifting her chin and crossing her arms. She leaned over to nudge Ulviir, who startled and glanced at her. "You can lower the weapon. We cannot harm an ambassador of Queen Titania without facing her eternal wrath."

The dark elf relaxed her grip on the arrow, but kept the bow in her hands, long, dark bare feet tapping the crushed grass impatiently.

"I beg your pardon?" Peacebloom said, polite but incredulous. One small, delicate hand rested upon their collarbone, and their elegant robes fluttered in an indignant breeze. "You are given permission to return after being so cruelly cast out, and you are... refusing? Do you realize the trouble the Queen has gone through to find you? Do you realize the energy it takes to open a portal to a mundane location in this manner? Have you no gratitude?"

"I am grateful Her Majesty sees fit to care," Midge said. She didn't want to burn all her bridges after all, in case she ever had to leave this island, or had to return home someday. She would like to see her fellow grey folk again, after all.

"Yet you refuse to return," Peacebloom surmised, the fingers on their collarbone beginning to stroke their own pale skin in thoughtful, irritated movements.

"I politely decline her invitation," Midge said, voice and stance firm. Perhaps it was having an armed warrior like Ulviir at her side that bolstered her, but at the moment she could not think of a thing Peacebloom could say that would convince her otherwise.

"And so you would wish to simply remain... here... in the mundane world? For... how long?" Peacebloom asked, voice incredulous.

"I don't know." Midge didn't look at Rita, but sensed the faun's curious glance. "All I know for certain is I don't wish to return now. Please tell the Queen that I am discovering freedom here that I never knew in her palace, and I hope she releases more of us. And if you see Chevalier, tell him..."

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