Mate pt 2

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-The next day-
Chan's POV

I wake up to myself getting crushed with the amount of weight on top of me. I open my eyes to see Felix squirming around with 3 other guys laying on top of us.

"Hwang Hyunjin I swear to fucking god if you don't get the hell off me I'm gonna-"

"Lixxieee don't be so mean to my jinnie! He's not the only one on you." A baby looking guy said and Felix growled.

"You little-"

"Sweetheart calm down." I brush the hair out of his eyes and he calms down slightly.

I lift all of us up and the other 3 guys quickly stand up from the bed. Felix groans as he looks at the window to see it's still dark and he glares at the others.

Felix crawls underneath my shirt and nuzzles my chest as I lay back down to try to sleep again.

"Um, we came in here to try to wake felix up and we didn't realize you were here too so sorry." A puppy faced boy said and I hear Felix whine once he heard they haven't left.

"How did you not smell him? He's an alpha." Felix grumbled and popped his head out from under my shirt and rests his head on my shoulder.

"W-well we weren't paying attention and-"

"Ok ok whatever but why did you come in here?" I wrap my arms around felix to try to calm him down.

Note to self, never wake felix up before sunrise.

"Alpha wants to see you actually..." Felix groans once again before kissing my neck.

"Tell alpha I'll talk to him later, you know, when it's light outside!" I felt myself getting angry at the thought of Felix calling someone else alpha but I contain myself from doing anything.

"Ok, sorry, you may sleep now." Hyunjin leaves with the others following right behind him.

"Was that kiss a warning or something?" Felix giggles.

"Yeah you could say that. I want to go back to sleep now though." I nod and play with his fluffy bed hair.

Felix falls back asleep almost immediately but I stay up and play with his hair every now and then. I'm used to waking up at such early times so I won't be able to go to bed until night time.

Time skippyyyy~~~

"Felix! Stop or you'll hurt yourself!" Felix pouts but gets down anyways.

"Why were you climbing the house? There's nothing up there."

"Because I don't want to see alpha and if I get on the roof he would never think to look there." I sigh and pick his up before carrying him over my shoulder.

"Chan put me the fuck down-ouch! That hurt you bitch-ow stop it!" I slap his ass each time he cussed.

"Don't talk to me like that." Felix whined once I set him down in front of the pack alpha's room.

Felix tried to run away but I held him in place.

"Baby we have to talk to him. If we don't I have to leave and we can't be together." Felix immediately clings onto me and whimpers.

"Don't say that...I won't lose you right?" I nod and knock on the door before hearing a 'come in' and we both walk in.

"Felix, why is there another alpha here?" Felix breaths shakily before leaning into my chest.

"I'm his mate." I answer for him and the pack alpha smiles.

"You finally found your mate! Ohhh Jaehyung! Come in here!" He picked Felix up and hugged him tightly making me growl and pull him towards me.

"What is it honey?" Jaehyung walked into the room and taeyong jumped on him causing them to both fall.

"Felix has an alpha mate!" Taeyong squealed and Jaehyung looked at me will a smile.

"You better take care of our son. What's your name?" I hug felix close to me for support.

"Bang Chan. It's nice to meet you both." They both smile at us.

"I've never heard your name before. Do you have a pack?" I shake my head and taeyong smirks.

"'ll have to make your pack together..." Felix blushes while I just simply nod and taeyong smiles while Jaehyung frowns.

"Felix you are too young for this stuff." All he does is groan and turn around in my embrace to hide his blushing face.

"You and papa had me when you were younger than me." Felix grumbled and I kiss his head to calm him down.

Felix looked up and we both became lost in each other's eyes. We both smile gently to each other and we rest our foreheads together. We forgot about anything and everything and only focused on each other. It was like a dream.

And like all good dreams, it got interrupted.

"Ok ok you two that's enough. We have a second house that we made but we never use it anymore so you can stay there if you want. Felix knows the way there and it's not too far." Me and felix nod before saying our goodbyes and leaving the room to go back to Felix's to pack.

"Channie, do you have any other clothes?" I shake my head no and Felix sighs.

"I don't think anyone's clothes would fit you. You're pretty tall and have a lot of muscles but the strongest person we have is also the shortest so that wouldn't work." I brush the hair out of his face and place a kiss on his forehead.

"It's alright babe, I'll just go to the city and buy some cheap clothes for the both of us." Felix tilts his head to the side with a confused look.

"Why me? I have plenty of clothes."

"You'll see. When is your heat by the way?" Felix looks at the calendar beside his door.

"It should be in about a week or so, why?" I boop our noses together making him smile.

"Because then we could mate and possibly have little pups running around." Felix hugs me tightly.

"We just met yesterday alpha, don't you think that a bit too soon?" I smile down at him.

"We were meant to be with each other so I don't see a problem. If you believe it's too soon then we can wait for the pups but I'm not waiting to mark you any longer than needed." Felix giggles and nods.

"I think I'll wait a little longer for the pups." I smile and help Felix pack whatever he wants to bring and I carry everything outside.

"Alpha I can carry stuff too! I don't want your arms to hurt." I shake my head and continue to carry them as if the weigh nothing.

"Lead the way my omega~"

Ending sucks and the rest of it sucks but why do I low key wanna make this a story instead of a 2 part oneshot?

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