Voiceless pt2

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Was anyone waiting for this? Bc I was. It's been in my drafts for a long time

Chan's POV

"Big brother! Wake up!" My little sister shakes me lightly and I turn my head to face her.

"Yes flower?" She climbs into my bed.

"I have to be at school a little bit earlier so I can do my homework there." I sigh but nod and tell her to go get dressed.

I look to my side to see a head full of fluffy hair and I smile.

"Felix~ wake up~" Felix only cuddles closer to me.

I brush the hair out of his face before slipping my arm out from under him and getting off the bed. I let him sleep while I change, make my sister food, and take her to school.

Once I get back home I head straight to my room to see Felix still asleep.

I put my keys down and lay beside him carefully.

"Chan?" A deep voice says quietly.

"Yes Felix?"

"Where did you go?" He cuddles into my side and places his head on my chest.

"I took my sister to school. Don't worry we have another half hour before we need to get ready." Felix nods and I run my fingers through his hair.

"Go back to sleep baby." Felix smiles before looking up at me with his chin on my chest.

"I'm surprised with how close we are already." I nod and admire his sleepy face.

"You look cute." Felix blushes and hides his face in my chest.

"You should really go back to sleep. Teachers won't let you sleep all day again." Felix nods and covers the both of us up and lays on top of me with his head on my shoulder.

"Will you try to sleep too?" I nod and hug him tightly.

"Hey Chan-"

"Shhh baby go to sleep." Felix pouts but listens anyways.

7 minutes later I fell asleep with Felix.

"Chan! We're late for school!" I open my eyes and look at my clock to see we're an hour late.

"Mhm lets just stay here today..." I mumble but Felix jumps off my bed and goes to my closet to get something to wear.

"Baby~ I don't wanna go." I whine and Felix smacks my arm so I smack him lightly back.

"Chan don't smack my bottom." I open my eyes to see him blushing.

"Why not? It will be mine in the future anyways." Felix blushes a bright red and quickly changes with me looking away.

"You're really not helping us move faster to get to school." I nodded and pull him onto my lap as I sit up.

"That's because there isn't school today baby." He looks at me confused.

"What do you mean? You took your sister to school." I nod and resist kissing his cheek.

"She has extra classes on Saturday." Felix's mouth agapes and he smacks my chest.

"Then why were you saying those things last night?" I smack his ass and chuckle at his red cheeks.

"Just to mess with you." He, once again, smacks my chest and I, once again, smack his ass.

"Would you stop that?" Felix says slightly annoyed with me.

"I had done it twice before. I figured you would've caught on by now." Felix huffs and curls into a ball on my lap.

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