5- From now on, I can't see outside you

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A week had passed and time was almost up for Felix working for Chan.


"What about this one?"


"This one...?"

"She looks like a whore"


"What? You asked!"


Felix was trying to help Chan look through replacement applicants, but the older was saying no to each candidate.

"Chan you aren't making this easy!" Felix scolded placing his iPad down on Chan's desk crossing his arms.

"I'm just being honest Lix" Chan shrugged as he sipped his coffee.

"Oh really? We went through 50 people so far and you said no or called them a bad name!"

"Well it's not my fault if half of them look like idiots or skanks" Chan said putting his coffee down. The younger gave him a glare looking at him.

"Oh, so is that what you thought when you chose me? You thought I was an idiot or a whore?" Felix scoffed.

"Hm? No, I chose you because you were cute..." Chan said bluntly.

"O-oh..." Felix blushed looking down.

"And my decision was definitely worth it...especially when you came in to interview with me" Chan smirked getting up from his desk.

"I couldn't take my eyes off your innocent face...or that ass of yours when you walked out after~" Chan teased walking up to him.

"What?! Chan you're the kind of men they report to Human Resources! You're a perv!" Felix gave him another look.

"Oh, but I knew from as soon as you met me..." Chan slipped his arms around his his waist, whispering near his ear.

"You wanted this perv to fuck you~" he teased kissing his neck.


"And this perv made your wish come true, fucking you on my desk-"

"OK ENOUGH CHAN!" Felix pushed him away hitting his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" Chan whined.

"That's for trying to get kinky while I'm trying to help you find a replacement Channie!"

"Orrrr, you can be my replacement~" Chan teased again pulling the boy close to his chest.

"Chan! Stop that-"

"Come onnn, we can roleplay first meeting~" he said kissing him.

"Mmm...Channie..." Felix tried pushing him away but felt himself melt into Chan's hold.

"I know my baby boy wants to reenact being fucked on my desk..." Chan growled as he began to unbutton Felix's shirt.

"Channie..." he blushed looking down.

"Being tied up and choked again...just like before..." he said against his lips. Felix felt his body heat up because he indeed loved that time when Chan did it.


"Me finding your spot...while I spank that sweet ass of yours~" he smirked looking into Felix's glossy eyes.

Felix swallowed as he looked down to see his shirt completely undone, then looking back at Chan.

"So, would my secretary like that? Before he leaves me soon?" Chan picked him up, placing him to sit on his desk.

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