7- You won't know?

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Felix let out a tired groan as he reached over to turn off his alarm, sighing as his back ached from Chan blowing it out last night.

Great, it's gonna hurt all day

He looked over his shoulder to see Chan still asleep as the older spooned him.

"Chan wake up..." Felix yawned rolling over to face him.

"Hm...?" Chan hummed opening his eyes.

"Wake up Channie, we need to get ready" Felix cupped Chan's cheek gently stroking it with his thumb.

"Mmm...we're taking the day off" he sighed pulling Felix even closer to his chest.

"Huh? Chan, I can't. I start my new internship today-"

"Yes you can because I say so" he hummed again.

Felix rolled his eyes.

"Channie, that means nothing-"

"Excuse you?" Chan snapped his eyes open giving the boy a look.

Oh shit...here we go again...


"Do I need to remind you again about how to talk to me?" Chan growled looking him in the eyes.

"N-no..." Felix stuttered.

"Good, I'd rather punish you at night than in the morning. You're staying home with me today" Chan huffed closing his eyes.

"HUH? No I'm the hell not!" Felix sat up pulling out of Chan's hold scoffing.

"Felix, what did I just say?" Chan also sat up saying lowly.

"Chan, I have to get ready for work at my new job! I've already told you I don't like being controlled! It's not cute unless we're having sex! News flash! We're not right now!" Felix pushed him away as he went to go get ready, slamming the bathroom door shut.

Chan let out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes.

"I overdid it again..."

He didn't mean to, but he would have rather stayed home with the younger all day instead having to work with a new replacement secretary he wasn't looking forward to.

He slowly made his way to the the bathroom, opening it to see the younger already in the shower washing his face.

Chan quietly removed his clothes, stepping in the shower with Felix as the younger was still washing his face. Not realizing Chan was there until he felt the older slipped his arms around his waist.


"Not in the mood to fuck if you can't tell Chan" Felix snapped at him washing the rest of his face wash out his eyes.

"Lix, I'm not here for that. I want to apologize for just now...I know you hate it when I get controlling, I'm still working on it...I just don't like sharing what's mine..." he said softly kissing his neck and shoulder.

Felix sighed as he turned around to look at him.

"Then why do you do it?" Felix said bluntly as the warm water showered over them.

"I don't know...I guess times like these...I'm gonna miss you a lot today...I'd rather be at home holding you...having you next to me than your replacement..." Chan said sadly looking down.

He reached his hands to cup Chan's face, making the older look at him.

"Chan I'm going to miss you too...but the solution isn't keeping me at home...you have to learn to adapt...you'll be fine" Felix gave small smile

"I know...it's just...me being attached to you...and attachment I'm trying to control...but having a hard time controlling it..." Chan sighed looking down.

"Channie, I won't leave you. I love you..." he said softly.

The older gave a small smile pulling Felix into a hug.

"I know...I love you even more..." Chan said kissing his cheek.

"Well, I love you even when you're controlling sometimes...like when we're in bed..." he blushed.

"Oh I definitely know you like it in bed, especially when-"

"Chan as much as I like kinky talk, we have to get ready" he smiled placing his finger over Chan's lips.

Just when I was trying to get him in the mood again

When the pair arrived to work, Chan wouldn't let the boy go as he kept kissing him in his car.

"Mmmm...Channie, I have to be there in 10 minutes" he whined.

"That's fine, 5 minutes are for me~" he teased against his lips. The younger squeaked as he felt Chan climb out his seat on top of him.

"Chan! Get off! What if someone sees!?"

"Baby, calm down. So what if they do? Then they'll definitely know you're mine" he smirked.

"Channie off! I need to go meet Lucas-"

"Why are you saying his name?" Chan pulled away as his demeanor changed.

Oh Jesus...not again...

"Chan stop that, you know I don't mean it like that. I want to make a good impression! I need to go" Felix gave him a look.

Chan clenched his jaw calming himself.

"Alright...can I have one more kiss before we go?" Chan pleaded.

"Yes, you can have one more Chan" Felix sighed cupping his cheeks.

The older smiled again kissing him softly.

"Thank you baby boy, let's go~"


When they went their separate ways, Felix was nervous meeting Lucas and the team.

My dreams are finally coming true...

He smiled going up to the marketing department's floor, looking for Lucas's office. He was happy people said hello to him on the way, smiling to each person until he found it.

He knocked on the door before entering.

"Hello...? I'm looking for Lucas?"

Felix peeked in to see a tall handsome man sitting at his desk reading a report.

"Hm? That's me" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, well pardon me. I'm Lee Felix, the new intern" he smiled walking in closing his door.

"Oh! You're the new intern, welcome Felix" he smiled getting up to shake hands.

"Thank you..." Felix smiled and blushed, looking at his features.

Oh god damn he's hot-
Oh shit I better make sure Chan never hears me say that!

"So, I'll show you around. You excited?" He smiled.


While Felix was learning everything, Chan was in his office getting used to the new secretary.

"So um...Doyoung?"

"Yes that's my name!"

"Ok, well my previous secretary synced my schedule and all necessary files over to you. Do you have them?" Chan sat in his chair looking at him.

"Oh! Yes...Um, I see them all here...he recommended I use my iPad since it's easier to manage" he smiled.

Lix knows his shit...I miss him already

"Good, now let's get started with the day"

Please god, don't make me have to fire another one...

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