12- I'm ridiculous, this first love (you know)

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Felix went on the rest of his workday, ignoring more stares as he finished the day. He was excited to go out with Chan again.

When they got home Felix was in the shower while Chan had finished and was watching TV on the couch.

While he was watching, Felix's phone was charging on the counter but kept going off.

"My god...who is being so damn annoying?" Chan groaned standing up to go over and silence it. However when he picked up Felix's phone, his emotions flipped.

He saw messages from Lucas.

What?! Why does he have his-


From Lucas:
Just a reminder we have 2 meetings in the morning I'd like you to join.

8:52 pm

From Lucas:
Oh! And please bring my coffee on your way to the office, you already know what I like :)

8:54 pm

Chan clenched his jaw as he stared at Felix's phone, seeing another message come in from Lucas.

"This motherfu-"

"What the fuck?!"

Chan was startled to lift his head and see Felix had padded downstairs in an oversized long sleeve and boxers, but looking pissed as hell.

"Why the fuck are you going through my phone Chan?!" Felix snapped walking up to him, snatching his phone from Chan.

"I wasn't going through your phone Felix! It kept going off and I came over to silence it, but the real question is why the hell do you have Lucas's number and why is he texting you?" Chan crossed his arms saying lowly.

"What? Chan it's for work! Just like when I had your number-"

"You were my secretary, you're not one for Lucas!" He scoffed narrowing his eyes.


"How long have you had his number? Has he been texting you like this all the time?" Chan demanded pointing to Felix's phone.

"Chan you're acting like a ridiculous ass right now" Felix snapped again.

"Felix! Watch your mouth with me or you'll get punishment for rest of the week-"

"Fuck your punishments Chan! You're acting paranoid and jealous over a god damn internship!" Felix yelled.

"Oh, I'm being paranoid?! That prick is overworking you yet texting you! At night too! He's probably gonna ask for you to "help" him after hours" Chan scoffed.

Felix was getting more irritated by Chan assuming He would just get with Lucas.

"Actually Chan, he won't ask me that. You know why?!" He scoffed back at Chan.

"Why Felix?" Chan cocked his head.

"Because he is fucking married that's why!"

"He...what...?" Chan barely said trying to understand what he just heard.

"Ya! He's married Chan! So all this bullshit assuming he's coming after me or I'm not being " careful" around him is all in your head!"

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