11- Oh my heart keeps melting

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Felix was having a stressful day, but the idea of seeing Chan for their date made him motivated to get through his work.

It was almost time for him to go until Lucas approached him.

"Hey Felix, you almost done reading through that spreadsheet I sent?"

"Oh, yes I am-"

"Good, I'll need your help with reviewing this marketing plan please" he said handing Felix a thick booklet.

"Oh, ok. I'll do it first thing in the morning-"

"It needs to be done tonight, my meeting is in the morning" he said as he was looking at his phone.

"W-what..?" Felix gasped as he looked at the thick booklet and then at the time. Just at a glance, he knew that it would take 2 hours to review it, and looking at the time he was supposed to meet Chan in his office for them to go out.

"Felix, I know this is your first internship but this is the kind of work you'll have to get used to...late nights early mornings...just preparing you for the industry" he gave a small smile patting his head.

"Ok...I understand...I'll get this done..." he gave shy smile back.

"Perfect. Oh! If you have any questions, here's my number. Not sure why I haven't sent it to you yet" he joked sharing his number with Felix.

"Oh, you're right! Thanks...I hope you have a good night"

"No problem, and thanks. I have a date night tonight with my husband so it ought to be fun" he joked.

Felix said an "oh", looking down at Lucas's hand realizing he was married.

Not sure how I missed that...
Chan definitely has nothing to worry about

Lucas walked off as Felix and a few others were left alone in the office. He got up going to the break room, calling Chan.

"Baby? You almost on your way up?"

"Channie...please don't be angry at me..." he said nervously.

"Hm? Why would I...? Did you do something to get another punishment?" Chan said lowly.

"No...not like that Chan...it's...well, Lucas gave me this project that he needs done before morning...so I have to stay late..." he said sadly.

"What?? How late??"

"Like...An hour...maybe 2..." Felix mumbled.

"The fuck?! Is that asshole trying to overwork you on purpose?!" Chan snapped.

"Channie, calm down...this is expected with an internship...late nights sometimes..." Felix said sadly again.

Chan was shaking his head kicking his desk pissed off at the fact the Lucas had the boy overworked once again.

"Ok...I'll cancel the reservation I guess..."'Chan sighed standing up to look out his window, seeing the sun setting.

"Huh...? Y-you don't have to cancel it Channie, just move it to 7 pm...I-I'll finish soon. Ok?" Felix said softly.

Chan bit his lip as he calmed himself.

"Alright Lix...I'll change it and see you soon. I'm gonna go home, but then I'll come pick you up at the office. Ok?"

"Ok Channie...I'll see you soon...I love you..."

"I love you too baby...see you later..." Chan tried sounding a bit more happier before ending the line.

Felix let out a sigh as he pulled the booklet in front of him.

"I guess I'll get started..."


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