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*Third Person*

~The next day after school~

Ava and Mia walked to the mall to walk around a little. The two ended up in Hot Topic. The two wandered the store for an hour or two before they had the things they wanted.

Ava had different Anime merchandise. While Mia had a couple of oversized hoodies, a few chokers, and a corpse bride themed bag. The two paid for their things and walked out of the mall.

"Hey, I think this alley is a short cut," Ava said

Mia eyes it a little and looked at Ava like she was stupid.

"That sounds like a horror movie waiting to happen," Mia said ready to walk away

"Come on... Please!!" Ava said grabbing her sister by the arm

"Oh fine whatever. But if I get murdered I blame you." Mia said following her sister

"No promises!" Ava said

They walked a little before they both stopped dead in their tracks. They saw Dabi and Toga coming out of the side of a building to their left.

"We have to go to know.," Mia whispered

Ava just nodded and the two started backing away slowly. While trying not to make noise. But it was no use. The two villains saw them and ran after the two girls.

"Awww are you gonna make this hard?" Toga sniffed the air and smiled. "I want her. Her blood has such a strong smell!" She said pointing at the wavy-haired girl.

Mia tugged down her sleeves and blew strong winds at them. But just before it hits them Dabi shot fire at them. The two battled but Mia fell onto the ground. Ava went to help her but Dabi was holding fire to her face.

"Awww why do you get to have all the fun?" Toga said giving Dabi puppy dog eyes

Mia was about to try and get up but Toga threw her knife at her hand. Mia made a wincing sound trying to get the knife out to release herself from the concrete.

"Let's take um back to base," Dabi said

"Aww fine.." Toga said in a sad tone of voice

"I blame you," Mia whispered

Toga called Kurogiri. The villains forced the girls into the portal and took them back to base.

~At Ua~

"Hey don't you think Mia and Ava have been gone for a while?" Kiri said

"Now that you mention it they did say they would only be gone for an hour," Mina said

"Do you think we should tell Mr. Aizawa?" Kiri said

"We should wait for a little. If they aren't back in 30 minutes we should go find them." Mina said

~With the LOV~

The two girls were restrained again and had burns, with some deep cuts to accompany them.

"So will you join or not?" Shigaraki asked again

"We already said NO!" Mia shouted

Toga cut into her arm again. Mia wasn't fazed anymore. She had adrenaline and anger running through her. As for Ava, she wouldn't answer anymore. And if she was getting burned the only noise you could hear come from her was her shaking breaths.

"Well, what if we, I don't know, got rid of your friends?" He threatens

Their eyes got wide. They could never let others get hurt.

"Wait." Mia said, "What if I join? Will you leave them and let Ava go?"

Ava looked at her like she was crazy. "What no don't do that!"

"Listen I know what I am doing just go along with it." She whispered back

"Fine. I am trusting you." Ava whispered

Mia turned back to the wrinkly, blue-haired, guy in front of her.

"I guess that could be arranged." He said

"Alright let her go and you can consider me the newest member," Mia said

"Fine." He said calmly

Dabi undid her restraints and walked her out the door. Toga undid Mia's restraints and said, "Could I borrow some of your blood?"

"You know I would like to keep it thanks." Mia states

She stood up calmly to show that she didn't have anything planned.

"Welcome to the league," Kurogiri said

Mia smiles at them. Then attacks. She made a small tornado and brought it around to make sure everyone was in it. Then she threw them at the wall.

"You shouldn't trust me that easily," Mia said walking out of the door.

~When she got back to UA~

Mia walked to campus to see the pro hero's everywhere.

"THERE SHE IS!" One of them yelled

"You know what. I wanna take a nap." Mia said just before collapsing on the floor.

Everyone ran over to her and immediately took her to the hospital where Ava was also at.

~when they are visiting~

They were able to put Mia in the same room as Ava so they could keep each other company. They were talking when the entire class including Mr. Aizawa and Almight walked in.

"Thank god for your alive." Mina almost tackled her girlfriend.

"Yeah, I missed you too," Mia said

"Hey how you holding up," Kiri asked

"Still breathing. So pretty good." Ava smiled back.

They spent the day in the hospital until about 3 in the morning. Then they went back to UA to get some rest.

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