The New Councilors

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*third person*

In class the students waited for their tired teacher to enter the classroom.


Deku flinched at the loud sound. Mia rolled her eyes and walked up behind Bakugou.

"Boo." She said simply

Bakugou surprisingly jumped.

"What was that for dyed hair!"

"Leave Midoriya alone you angry Pomeranian." She said

"WHY!" He yelled back

"Alright, I don't wanna fight you."

"NO LETS GO!!" He demanded lifting up his fists

Mia rolled her eyes again and grabbed him by the ear and dragged him back to his seat. Then walked back up to Deku.

"Sorry about him." Mia said

"H-how did you do that?" Deku looked at him stunned along with most of the class

"Oh I have had to do that to Ava before so~" Mia shrugged

"Thank you." He smiled

"Yeah no problem smole broccoli." And walked back to her seat

Then Mr. Aizawa entered the class with a woman and man following.

"Hello class. Today we are going to be talking about mental health. We have two new councilors." He said

Ava and Mia glanced at each other then at the two adults.

"Hello students my name is Akasuki." The short thin woman said

"And I am Bunko." The taller thin man said

Mia started getting anxious and moved her leg up and down.

"Principle Nezu told us that the incidents were probably taking a toll on your mental heath so he hired us." Akasuki said with a small smile.

"Mental disorders can be caused by many things. For example growing up in an unstable home." Mia, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Ava glance at each other for a split second then back at the councilor.

"Being bullied.." Mia, Ava, and Deku glance at each other. "Or other personal reasons."

"That's right. Can you tell me types of disorders?" Bunko asked

David raised his hand. "Yes young man?" Bunko said

"An eating disorder, and depression." He said in a rude cocky tone

Mia and Ava got visibly upset, but Mia hid it better. She started scratching her arms again.

"Are you two okay?" Akasuki asked looking at the two girls.

Mia looked distressed and Ava was about to snap.

"J-just fine." Mia's voice cracked as she spoke

"I would like to talk to you both after class if you don't mind." Bunko gave a warm smile.

"Grrrrr.." Ava grumbled

~After Class~

"So how are you feeling today?" He asked

"Fine." The two said in unison

"Well I'm not to positive about that, but I'm not going to force you to tell me anything." He said. "Just know that you can talk to me if you want to."

The two nodded and were dismissed to their next class.

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