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Nobodies POV

They are leaving an elevator on the level holding records.

As they are walking towards the records room, Goose walks up to Fury and Vers causing Fury to fawn over the cat.

"Hey, there. How are you?" Fury ask

Fury leans down to pet Goose but Vers stands back, observing the cat with a sense of deja vu.

"Oh my goodness. Look at you. Just look at you. Aren't you the cutest little thing." Fury says

Fury continues to fawn over the cat, even picking up Goose but Vers continues walking through the corridor looking for the records.

Vers eventually finds the room before turning around and watching Fury with disinterest.

"Aren't you cute? And what's your name, huh? What's your name? Goose, cool name for a cool cat." Fury says

"Fury." Vers says

Both Fury and Goose turn to look at Vers. Vers nods towards the door.

To Goose. "I'll be back." Fury says

Fury walks away from Goose and stands next to Vers outside a door labeled Records.

"Oh. Let me get my fingerprint out. Just let me unravel this puppy." Fury says

While Fury is unwrapping the piece of sticky tape, Vers shoots energy out of her fist causing the handle and lock to disappear.

"You sat there and watched me play with tape? When all you had to do was..." Fury says

Fury imitates Vers shooting the energy.

"I didn't want to steal your thunder." Vers says

Vers and Fury walk into the records room. The room is originally dark, but the lights turn on row by row revealing a massive warehouse of shelves full of boxes.

Vers and Fury walk past a few aisles before stopping and turning into one. Vers looks at all the boxes carefully before finding the one she wants.

"Huh. Lawson." Vers says

Vers pulls two boxes off the shelf. She hands the first to Fury and then places the second on the floor before removing files.

Randomly, Goose appears at the end of the aisle.

"Ha. Lawson's plan for the light-speed engine. I wonder why they terminated the project." Vers says

"Um, maybe because she's cuckoo." Fury says

Fury shows Vers a page from a notebook, covered in hieroglyphics which Vers instantly recognizes.

"Kree glyphs?" Vers ask "Hmm?" Fury ask

"Lawson is not cuckoo. She's Kree." Vers says "Well, she's dead." Fury says "What?" Vers ask

"She crashed the ASIS aircraft during an unauthorized test flight. Took a pilot down with her. That's why security here's so unfriendly. They're covering up a billion dollar mistake. Oh, and your light-speed engine is toast." Fury says

Fury shows Vers a black and white photograph of a site of the plane crash. The image is a satellite photo of a flat beach next to a mountain, however, the beach has a track leading up to a circle caused by an explosion.

Vers turns over the next photo, showing the beach from eye level; the sand was pushed up into large ridges by the explosion.

"When did this crash happen?" Vers ask "Six years ago. 1989." Fury says "Who was the pilot?" Vers ask

"Um, most of this thing's redacted but there is a testimonial here from a Maria Rambeau. Last person to see them both alive." Fury says

Fury's pager begins to buzz.

"You OK?" Fury ask "Mm-hmm." Vers says "Back in a minute." Fury says

Immortal (Bucky B., Steve R., Logan H.) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now