About The Story

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Graciella Arevalo just wants to love and be loved. She feels like she has a lot of love to give and she just wants her own person to love. Mayroon na kasing mga boyfriend at girlfriend iyong mga tao sa paligid niya. She doesn't want to be a burden to anyone. She wants her own person to love and to spoil. Ang problema, parang ayaw naman sa kanya ng pag-ibig. She has been told to just wait for it because it will eventually come to her. And she wants to, ang kaso, she's always surrounded by death that she feels like she's always running out of time. 

Ilang blind date na ang napuntahan niya. She always tries to find the good in the person in front of her, but for some reason, walang spark. Ayaw niya naman na i-sacrifice iyon. Alam niya na nag-eexist iyon. She's seen it. She just needs to look harder. 

Pero baka tama nga sila... na kapag hindi mo hinahanap, saka doon dadating. 

Because apparently, she's been looking for love in all the wrong places when all along, he's always been right in front of her. 


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(Yours Series # 5) Always Yours (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon