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They say nothing hurts more than watching the person you've loved all your life, love another.

Then how about being dumped for your younger sister, declared a dumb slut, hated by your pack and sentenced to clean after rogues for the rest of your life.

July had spent most of her life loving the future Alpha-Jake. She couldn't count how many times she spent dreaming about him.

At first it was just a childish crush but over time she fell in love with him. When she began to date Alpha Jake she felt like the happiest person alive

Her deepest desires had been fulfilled.

As the Omega, July had been constantly bullied. Jake was the only person in her pack that loved and accepted her for who she was.

She lived each day in the arms of her beloved.

All that changed when Jake turned eighteen and became the Alpha. The night if his birthday he found out he was Mates, not with July, but her younger sister, April.

At first glance Alpha Jake fell in love with April. A smallish redhead with big beady blue eyes, contrast to Alpha Jake's tall and muscular figure.

Alpha Jake was bold and confident, April was shy and quiet. They were complete opposite... yet perfect for each other.

Everyone loved April, she was perfect and could do no wrong.

Unlike her dumb good-for-nothing older sister of hers, who only knew how to put on lipstick and heavy makeup.

Jake and April became the new lovebirds, falling deeper in love with eachother by the second.

What about July? She had completely lost the love of her life and her only true friend overnight.

Why did the world take away the one thing she had, her love?

She begged April to abandon her feelings for Jake, but April was also in love with Jake. Afterall he was her Mate.

That didn't break July's willpower, she decided to do everything in her power to break the two lovers apart.

Even if it meant seducing Jake, but he never gave her a second glance. Jake no longer had feelings for July.

Rumors about July started to spread. She was called all sorts of names; desperate, slut, dumb... not too far from what she was called before.

July ignored everybody's hate, she wanted to fight for her love.

She became the villaness, trying to get Jake back. From one scheme to another.

From one failed attempt to another.

One dark night April got into an incident and nearly lost her life. All heads instantly turned to July.

July was blamed for April's tragic accident, everyone figured it was July, she was always envious of April. who else haboured evil intentions if not July?

That and many pack members witnessed July during the time of incident with bloody hands.

When Alpha Jake heard about it, he became furious.

Soon the entire pack heard about July's evil malicious deeds and they all began to despise her even more than they did before.

In fury Jake decided to banish July out of the pack once and for all. July pleaded for mercy but Jake turned a deaf ear. The bitch that tried to murder his Luna deserved to die.

He now only held resentment for July. To think he once cared for such a bitch.

Only when April pleaded on July's behalve did Alpha Jake show mercy.

At that moment April became even more loved. A true Luna indeed she still wanted to save July; the woman that wanted to snatch her Mate and murder her.

Jake couldn't bare to hurt April so he lessened July's punishment.

July only held the grief in her heart, keeping her head up high despite being hated by everyone.

Only watching from the side as Jake and April lived happily in the center of everyone's love.

The villaness pack slut was finally gone forever, now the lovers could be together in peace. Jake and April's relationship was the perfect love story.

Only July knew what truly happened, there were more holes in that story than a fish net. she's not as evil as she was painted.

Was she a selfish inconsiderate Omega she-wolf?

Yes, but a deceitful murderer is what she was not.

Thanks to that unfair accusation she has to become a lowly Prison Maid, the most undignified job in the history of werewolves.

To that she laughs. If she was going to become a Prison Maid, she was going to do it properly, with her head up high and be the the best Prison Maid that ever lived.

Even if it meant facing dangerous rogue criminals everyday. How was an Omega going to survive a day with psychotic criminals?

By giving them a good beating, that's how.

Fear was out of her dictionary. If they want to see her as the Villain... so be it.

After all she was the pack Omega.

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