What he likes about you.

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He loves your courage. You're never afraid to take a risk for those you love and care about, like that one time when Chuck was off pranking Gally in the shower again. Gally looked as if he was going to murder Chuck but you stood up and said that you accidentally knocked the bucket of slop off of the window sill and that Chuck was just taking a five minutes rest and put it these so no,one would trip over it. You claimed it was entirely your fault and totally got Chuck off the hook. Thomas just can't get enough of your brave nature.


Newt loves your protectiveness over the glade. He loves it when gladers come to you with problems or decisions to make, like when Winston asked whether he should kill the next round of pigs or not. We were obviously running low on pigs that month so you told him to save it and wait till we get some more as we don't want our pigs to become extinct, now, do we? It was an amazing decision as a few of the pigs died from a disease and they could have all died if it wasn't thanks to you. You've kinda adopted the nickname: Saviour-pig which Frypan quickly turned into a 'savoury pig'. Newt loves when you protect the gladers too. 


Gally loves how you'll never take no for an answer and how you'll never take help from any of the Gladers. There was a time where Alby told you, you couldn't do your job today as you were injured helping Gally with his tree house. It kinda went badly and ended up in you falling out of the tree. Even though your leg felt as if it was throbbing so furiously that it would just spontaneously fall off, you insisted that the builders needed you and you couldn't sit around all day doing nothing. Alby finally gave in to your pleading and helped you out of the med-jack's shed, he told you to take it easy and rest your leg for a while. As you were walking out he held the door open as you hobbled on through. I don't need his help you thought. Later on Gally asked you what was up and you told him the whole story. "Ugh, Y/N you're so stubborn!"

"I wonder where I get it from." You replied in a sarcastic manner.


Minho loves your sassyness, you can always out-pun him whenever he's in a jokey mood. There was that one time when you were baking a birthday cake for Thomas as it was his 1 year anniversary of the Glade. Frypan handed you a carton of eggs and left to pick up some more from the storage shed. Minho sneaked up behind you and threw an egg, it smacked you straigh in the face and the white and yellow egg rolled down your cheeks. "Minho, What?"

"Don't ask me to eggsplain!" You grunted and scrambled (HAHA) for an egg to throw at him.

"Ah! EGGsactly what I was looking for!" you lobbed an egg at him. 

"EGGstroadinary jokes, Y/N."

"Please, MInho I'm bEGGing you!"

"I think you're EGGaggerating Y/N!" He replied with a smirk.

"You Crack me up!" You laugh.

"Ok, Ok you got me. I'm all out of EGGcelent puns."

"EGGsquisite, Minho EGGsquisite."

"Alright, ya got me!"



Hey, hope you enjoyed our first round of preferences. (They were extremely fun to write , especially the Minho one!!)

Theses were all wrote by me, (Orangelemons634) with a little help from The-elegant-walrus for a few ideas. You can check out our other fanfics here:

Running 4 Undies (A minho fanfic):


Impius (A Newt fanfic):


Beauty and the Builder (A Gally fanfic):


All love is 100% appreciated and please request any ideas in the comments below. We will also be writing Imagines. These will be chapters dedicated to you, with your name (Instead of Y/N). These can be requested in the comments also or by personal message, all we need to know is what boy we will be writing about, your name and a little about you (So like your Hair colour, personality ext.) You can also specify what you would like to happen and what overall mood you would like.

Hope yall' enjoyed and bye for now - Me (Orangelemons634)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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