Chapter 1: The Bet

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Mr Monokuma yelled at Class 78 as he walked, well sort of waddled, inside the classroom. The talking immediately died down after that.

"Good. Puhuhuhu before we start the lesson, I'm going to tell you all about a project we'll be doing this year."
A few people started to talk again.
"SHUT UP AND LISTEN! Okay now, every class will be putting on plays. I won't be intervening at all so go absolutely crazy with everything! Choose which play or musical you want to put on, hold auditions, rehears, make props blah blah blah. You have 14 weeks to prepare everything and then perform. And before you ask, yes, you'll be graded off of this so don't you dare slack off!"

Excited chatter started up.
"Okay now I'm giving you the lesson to start discussing everything-"
He didn't get the change to finish his sentence as everybody got up and formed a circle to start discussing things.
"Well okay then..."

"So what should we put on?"
Aoi asked, munching on a donut.
"Man, I'm so excited for this! Let's put on a musical okay?"
Leon said. This would obviously be his big break. His time to shine.
"That sounds great! A musical is such a good idea! Any ideas?"
Sayaka cheered.

Nobody said anything.
"Uh I'm fine with anything that isn't too hard to do..."
Makoto said. Junko suddenly looked up from her phone. She had a great idea that was sure to provide many, many laughs for her.
"Hmmmm what about..." The fashionista smiled. "Mean Girls?"

"Oh that's the musical with that girl, Cady was it, who suddenly becomes part of the popular girls group right? That sounds nice." Aoi nodded excitedly. "Does everyone agree?"
A series of bods went through the room until they came to Toko.
"It's n-not even p-proper l-literature b-but if I g-get to w-write t-the s-script then f-fine..."
Everybody agreed to that.

"And you Byakuya?"
Byakuya shut the book he was reading.
"Do I really get a choice? I don't want to fail this class so I have no choice but to agree."
Then the bell rang.

"Okay everybody! We'll get to work tomorrow after school! Toko can you get a script done by tomorrow?"
Taka said.
"W-Well I can but it w-would be hard..."
"Perfect! Alright then everyone, see you tomorrow!"
After that everybody began to leave.


Makoto walked in to the cafe and immediately went to where he always sat with his friends Hajime and Shuichi. Though they weren't in the same class, they'd meet after school and just sort of chill out.

"Hey guys!"
"Oh hey Makoto."
Hajime said, putting down his glass of orange juice.
Shuichi nodded and smiled a bit.
Makoto took a seat and then started talking.

"So did Mr. Monokuma give you that play project too?"
Shuichi sighed.
"Yes. I don't know about you guys but our class is already a mess with Kokichi and Miu. We argued for a good 20 minutes before deciding on Carrie."
"Yeah we're gonna do Heathers."
Hajime said.
"That's cool! Junko suggested Mean Girls so we're going with that."

"Monokuma said we're getting graded off of this too..."
Shuichi mentioned.
"We'll see if any of our classes will actually put on a proper one."
Hajime replied.
"See if any of our classes... Hey guys I have an idea!"
Makoto yelled.

"Hm? What's up?"
"Let's make a bet! To see which class does better!"
The two boys contemplated it for a second.
"That's not a bad idea actually. Whichever class has the most liked play wins!"
Hajime said.
"Alright. You're on."

Hey everyone! So yesterday my friend local-makoto-kin (Who also made the cover for this book!) and I came up with a Danganronpa theatre au and I decided to turn it in to a fanfic. I hope everybody enjoys!

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