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Av: omg bb i was so worried
N: that's why you fucked Payton?
Av: what? Why would i do that I'm your best friend
N: since when?
Av: since forever
N: let's look back at the house, i said you might be my childhood friend, did i say you were my best friend? No I didn't because you're not
S: Avani can you leave?
Q: no there's no way im doing face masks
N: pleaseeeee
Q: nope
I gave him puppy dog eyes
Q: f-nope
He looked away
N: guys can i talk to Quinton alone?
They all nodded except Avani
Av: you can talk to him with us here
Q: wekk she doesn't want to
Quinton had a clenched jaw
N: Quint, im ok
He sat down giving Avani all sorts of death and dirty stares
She finally left and Quinton stood up and looked at me
Q: god i dont even know her and i hate her
I pulled him down so he would have to put his hand on the hospital bed
N: i can fix that
I kissed him and he pulled away so i pouted
Q: no you have to recover
N: that doesn't mean i can kiss youuuuu
I started whining and he gave in
S: excuse you guys
N: yes?
I said pulling away but not removing my hand off Quinton and looking at her
S: cmon you horny bitch you're recovering
N: so? Im just kissing him
S: mhm sure
N: face masks?
Q: no
N: pleaseeeeeee
I kissed him
N: please for me, then i'll do anything you want
He smirked
S: oh god
I whispered in Quinton's ear
N: please daddy
Q: fine
S: ok calm down you horny fuck
N: heyyyy!
S: here
I put the face mask on Quinton then on me

A week later
Q: morning beautiful
N: good morning
He kissed me and the Doctor came in
Doc: she can go home now, she can't be doing anything physical for at least a day
N: ok so tomorrow i can go back to being me, cool
Quinton picked me up and took me to Sabrina's house where is where we're staying

A week laterQ: morning beautifulN: good morningHe kissed me and the Doctor came inDoc: she can go home now, she can't be doing anything physical for at least a dayN: ok so tomorrow i can go back to being me, coolQuinton picked me up and took me to...

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@babyNickyA: my best friend @Qgriggs

User362: she's ok!
Fanznick: i was worried because she was inactive
@babyNickyA: sorry about the worry guys

Loads more

Q: i know you probably don't do this i mean neither do i but...
He stopped and got really nervous so i sat on his lap and cupped his face
N: bubba what's wrong?
Q: will you be mine?
I kissed him
N: idk yeah i think so
He smiled and chuckled while hugging me tightly
S: bey time for bed
N: kk
J showered and changed

He stopped and got really nervous so i sat on his lap and cupped his faceN: bubba what's wrong?Q: will you be mine?I kissed himN: idk yeah i think soHe smiled and chuckled while hugging me tightlyS: bey time for bedN: kkJ showered and changed

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Quinton opened his arms for me to cuddle him and we dis just that

I woke up next to Quinton wrapped around his arms and a smiled grew on my face, i moved to be facing him
Q: morning
N: hi
We kissed
Kio: mornjng
N: hi
I stretched
Kio: me and Sab are gonna be out today
N: ok
S: bye bebe
N: bye bebs
They left and Quinton hugged me from behind
N: hi, im gonna get water
I went downstairs and felt Quinton following me, i got my water

Q: you could be gulping something else down
I giggled ans turned around
Q: it's a good day
I smiled and put my arms around his neck
N: is it?
Q: oh yeah
He picked me up and i wrapped my legs around him
He started kissing me and didn't break the kiss while walking to our room
He pinned me to the wall and started kissing down my neck
N: babe
Q: yeah?
N: can we talk
Q: yeah sure
He sat ok the bed and i pushed him back and got on top of him
N: i wanna be on top
He smiled and put his hands on my hips

(You're 20 now nobody knows when your birthday is though escept Sab)

I started kissing him, he sleeps with his shirt off so lucky me
I kept kissing down then i got a call

Hey, can you come to sway?
Yeah, why?
I'll be right there

I hung up and got dressed
Q: babbeeeee
N: im sorry i need to go
I ran out and grabbed mt keys ang got to sway
N: im here
Patty hugged me
Q: babe?
N: hey, what's wrong?
P: idk
I wiped his tear
N: I didn't know you and him were close
P: he's my cousin
A: well you can thank jer for hurtinf him
I looked down
P: what's she talking about?
Patty's voice cracked and tears rolled down my face
A: stop fake crying
N: fake crying? I don't fake cry like you when you
I shut up
Ant: when she what?
N: nothing
A: go ahead tell him
N: im not gonna do that because if he doesn't know it's not my place to say anythibg about your toxic bitch ass
A: me? What about you?
N: I didn't do anything other than become your doll, you made me the way i am you made jt seem like i was fine Avani, do you know how hard it is to fake happiness sometimes? No you don't because you're never there!
S: babes?
I hugged her and cried
S: you ok?
I shook my head no

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