Capitulo Numero 5

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Mimi was positively bored in her class and wished she hadn't left Jin inside her locker. She worried that he wouldn't be able to survive for thirty minutes. She wasn't paying attention in class at all. 

She began fidgeting in her seat, becoming absorbed in her thoughts as she began thinking about Jin all over again. 

There was literally no similarity in them regarding their facial features. 

First of all he was way taller than her. 

If he had those genes, where was her height?

Jin had lovely black hair, she was pretty sure it was dyed, and his face was larger than hers. His nose was smaller and his lips were more...pouty? Red, small, and princess like. His eyes were black and beautiful, almond shaped and perfectly set on his face. 

He was beautiful, compared to her. 

She looked like a hairy gremlin. 

She placed her cheek on the desk and thought about her family situation harder. She dared to even ask herself if the possibility of leaving wasn't so bad. Her little heart shuddered at the thought of leaving a family that had taken her in and cared for her when no one else wanted to. 

Mimi sighed heavily and wondered that if she left Mexico, how vastly would her life change. 

Would she change? 

The thought scared her, Mimi clutching her fingers on the desk and biting her bottom lip, the view of tall skyscrapers crossing her mind when she thought of South Korea. She imagined cloudy days and everything being so white and pristine. Mimi thought about the different scenarios of living in South Korea. 

She never really had a place to call home...

Not until now


It was the end of the day, Mimi had a lot to think before she decided what she was going to do. 

She approached her locker, sweater in her arm, when she remembered Jin was stuck inside her locker. At first, she stopped walking wondering why in the hell she would do that. 

She panicked remembering people needed oxygen to survive. Quickly, she set her stuff down on the floor and banged harshly on the locker door. 

"Jin? Jin are you alive?" she asked him quickly, fearing that she had murdered him unintentionally. 

Mimi heard a movement from inside the locker though, and the panic that was rising inside of her died down as she heard him breath and stir. It was a miracle that he had stayed alive for such a long time without that much air. 

"Can you let me out now?" he asked her quietly in a tired voice, Mimi smiling and unlocking the door quickly, feeling his long, heavy body pressing against the door. 

Out he came, his face a pasty white and green from being stuck in there too long. 

She smiled nervously and looked him up and down, wondering if he was ok. 

Jin gave her a sickly, annoyed look. 

"You said you were going to come back quickly" he began, his voice low and thick with the anger he was trying to restrain, "You had me in there all day" he finished, Mimi grabbing his arm and rolling her eyes as she hauled him out, both of them watching as his foot came out of the locker and they both wobbled out of the school. 

"I tried getting you out during first period" she explained as she got weird look from the students, "but, I got in trouble...well I continuously kept getting in trouble during class for not paying attention..." she told him, Jin being able to walk by himself now. 

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