Short Story One: "The Song"

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[Story by avalynnwee2006 ]

last year... Something crazy happened when I was 17... But for it to make sense, you need some more info about me and my life.

Hello! My name is Isabel Eve Morris! I've been spending the past 4 years perfecting my skill of singing and playing guitar. I'm 18-years-old in high school, I'm birthday is February 19 2002. I've been posting videos on YouTube and Instagram since I was 13, which when I started singing and playing guitar. 13 was also when my mother passed away from a car accident. She always wanted me to learn to play guitar and learn to sing. I thought it was stupid to learn to sing. It wasn't like i wanted to be famous for singing. But when she passed away, I started taking lessons for singing and I sang at her funeral. I have a twin brother named Jason, he sang with me. My dad remarried two years later. It was strange at first to have a step-mother. And I was a little upset that he remarried so quickly, But it was sad to see him so lonely. My dad's new wife Haley, has two kids from her ex husband. They're fun, It was had to get used to them but we warmed up to each other soon. So now, I have two Brothers and one younger sister. My twin brother Jason, and my one year older brother Alex. And my younger sister Julie. I love my siblings. And soon! I'm going to have another sibling! Haley is two months pregnant! we found out A few weeks ago! I really Hope it's a girl! I've always wanted a (real blood) baby sister!

My username on YouTube and Instagram is "brainy_Isabel_13" I thought the "brainy" part was a little cheesy but Jason thought it sounded cool, so i kept it in. And obviously, 13 was when I started singing and playing guitar. I posted almost everyday.On YouTube I had about 100, subscribers maybe a few more. and on Instagram I had almost 3,000 followers. Over 200 of them were probably my family, friends and classmates. Anyway, A few years ago when I was 15. I was just laying down on my bed and I thought of a song name and I thought of some lyrics, I then got and stayed up to come up with more lyrics. I made up a song and put it aside for a while but when I was 17, I updated it some and recorded Me singing and playing the note on my guitar. I named the song "goodbye love". when i uploaded it, I felt nervous and happy. I watched it over 60 times, every time I watched it got better. I loved it so much. The beat, the way my voice sounded, the sound of my guitar. It was all perfect! I even put up a step-by-step tutorial video a few days later. All my friends, family and even my teachers and classmates loved it! They told me they catch themselves humming it around their house. Those kind of things made me so happy. I was now like a celebrity at my school! everyone knew who I was! It was awesome! I knew my mom would be so proud of me! I knew that me dad and step-mom were. it was the greatest two months of my life!

There is this YouTuber that I've been addicted to ever since I was 13 and started to play guitar. His name is Ryan Turner and he goes by "Guitar Addict". I found a tutorial of his when I was trying to learn Amazing grace for my mom's funeral. After I learned that one song, and heard his voice, I fell in love with him and his videos. every time he would post I would stop everything I was doing and watch it. He would post tutorials, covers of his favorite songs and sometimes he would even make his own original songs! I felt like I put under a spell when I watched his videos. He stayed my crush for years until I had a crush on a real guy at my school that I could actually speak to. But I still Loved him. And he was only a few years older then me, so I thought it wasn't so crazy that I could actually be with him. He had over 3,000,000 subscribers so I kind of lost hope sometimes. I was his (no doubt) #1 fan! If he made it, I would probably have posters of him all over my room. I would sometimes hear his voice in my sleep from constantly listening to him sing! I would even have dreams about him. I sent him some fan mail of a painting I did of him when I had just turned 17. I loved it so much, I didn't want to give it away! It looked so realistic! So I panted two and tried tried to get them to look alike. I sent him the one i thought looked better with a letter :

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