Short Story Five: "The Twins"

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[Story By: avalynnwee2006 ]

Part 1 of 3

Hello. My name is Kristina. I am a normal boring 18-year-old white girl. I have a twin. That's one thing that is different about me. Her name is Michaela. She is and will forever be my best friend.
I was born December 31, 2001 at 11:56 o'clock.
My sister was born January 1, 2002 at 12:02 o'clock.
I always joked about being a year older then her.
One day, my life changed forever.

June 17, 2019

"Mom, I have a question" Michaela asked our mom
"Yes sweetie?"
"There's, there's this party that one of friends is hosting and she really wants me to go, can I go?"
"What time?"
"No! No way! Why would you think I would say yes!"
"My boyfriend is going to be there, we haven't seen each other in two weeks!"
"No! No way! You can't be out that late, you know that!"
"You know, I'm sick of you treating me like a child! I'm 18-years-old!"
"Yes! You are right! You are 18, you can move out if you want, then you can stay out as late as you want!"
"Fine! I'll pack!"
"Fine!" Our mom said then slammed the door to my sisters bedroom. My sister instantly started packing. My bedroom was next door, I heard everything. I knew she wasn't going to move out. I had a feeling it was going to be like when I was 7 and packed all my stuff and sat on the porch waiting for my Imaginary friends to come pick me up. I didn't see her the rest of that day. Until i heard my mom open her door. I went outside my door and I saw her standing in her room. She was gone. We looked at her closet and half of her clothes were gone. We called her over and over again. We stopped when we heard her ringtone for me under her bed. My mom sat on her bed and cried. Not knowing if we would find her soon. She was probably just went to her friend's party and we'll come home soon. I told her that but she still was scared.  I sat in her room waiting for her. In the morning, I went to her room, she still wasn't there. I got a little worried when she didn't show up for dinner. Two weeks passed and she wasn't anywhere to be found. We went everywhere we thought she would go. After the two weeks, we filed a missing person report. It was so hard seeing her face every where. Some people would ask me if I was her and I had to tell them that she's my twin. Some of them thought I was lying. I missed her so much. One day, we got a call from a 27 year old woman saying she found her. They wouldn't tell us at what state they found her.

The woman said,
"I was just on a walk, and I remembered the flyer I saw of the missing person. I was walking on this road that has a really big ditch by the road. And I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I stopped myself and looked. I looked closely and I knew it was a body. I called the cops and told them that I saw the girl in the flyer. They came and it was in fact her. She had multiple stab marks on her body. I was terrified."

They didn't tell us it, they just gave us a piece of paper that had what she said. My Mom, dad and I cried. We didn't understand how she got in this situation. I couldn't sleep. I sat in her room to cry. I missed her so much.

Two weeks later after the autopsy, we had her funeral. It felt quick, too quick. We had it at where my grandparents were buried. When we got home we went to our rooms and cried more and more.

2 months later, my parents left for a night out and I was left home alone. I was upstairs watching a show when I heard a knock on the door. I went downstairs to see. We have no window on the door, I couldn't see who it was. I unlocked it and opened the door. As I opened it a woman said
"Omg, I'm so sorry I left!" Michaela said as she dropped her bag and hugged me. When she let go of me I fell to the ground and passed out.

Sorry it was REALLY short, I wanted the first one to be just the main plot.

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