Short Story Three: "Laurel"

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[Story by: avalynnwee2006

Amy green was just an everyday girl with blonde hair. She was a very girly girl. She wore nothing but pink, blue and white accessories and clothes. Everyone would call her Regina George from Mean Girls. He hated it because she was very nice. She was the kind of girl that wouldn't kill a bee if it stung her and made her pass out. She loved everything and everyone. The only things she hated was some food. And being called Regina George. She always found the good in people.

At first, it was an normal Monday for half an hour, until history class.
"Everyone, listen up!" Mrs. Collin said to get everyone's attention.
"We have a new student today! She was just transferred all away from Washington to Delaware! So everyone welcome her with open arms!" Mrs. Collins said happily before she walked in. Amy was expecting to see a peppy cheerleader girl to walk on in and to introduce herself. Then the girl walked in... She was shocked to see her.
"My name is Laurel Gates. I'm 18- years-old. I don't know who my real parents are. I was adopted at 2-years-old. I have no memories before that. My adopted parents made me moved to Delaware 2 weeks ago on impulse. And... I hate it here." Laurel said then throwing herself and her backpack on her seat.
Everyone stared at her.
She had long black hair with a streak of blue on the left side of her hair. She was wearing a black jacket, with a black rock band t-shirt underneath it. She wore black jeans with holes in them. And last, she wore black boots with buckles on them.
Amy studied her. She looked familiar. She was very beautiful, if she didn't have a ton of make up on. Laurel caught Amy staring at her and said
"What are you lookin' at!"
"Nothing." Amy said back then looked at Mrs. Collin. But soon looked at her again trying to figure out why she looked familiar.
"Stop looking at me!" Laurel yelled loudly
"Quiet please!" Mrs. Collin said.
"Yes Ma'am." Amy and Laurel both said. Amy stopped looking at her and listened to the teacher. After class, Laurel went up to Amy.
"Hey, why were you looking at me?" Laurel said
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, you look a lot like someone I used to know. And it feels like she's still here."
"Oh... is she... dead?"
"Yes, she was my stepsister. She got in a car accident." Amy said
"That sucks... I had a sister too. She is buried in Washington. She's one of the reasons I didn't want to leave. And my boyfriend." Laurel said
"You have a boyfriend! Is long distance working for you guys?"
"Yeah! He's great, I'm great! It's all great!"
"That's good." Amy said
"Hey... would you like to hang out sometime?" Laurel asked
"Really? That would be great!"
"Great! After school?" Laurel asked
"Sure! And... why do you want to hang out with me? I mean, we're complete opposites!" Amy asked
"I know that, I don't have any friends and I thought you seemed nice."
"Really? You didn't instantly think I was Regina George?"
"Oh no! I thought that the second I saw you!" Laurel said then they both laughed.
"I'll see you after school!" Amy said as the bell ranged.
"Ok, see you!" Laurel said as she walked away to math class. The rest of the school day was boring. Amy couldn't help but think about her new friend. They met up after school behind her car. Amy sat next to her. Laurel was eating Doritos. Laurel handed the bag of Doritos to Amy, Amy ate a few before hanging it back to her.
"Is this what you did in Washington? Just sat behind your car and look cool?" Amy asked
"Yeah. I used to do this with my boyfriend. We would have short talks and just eat junk food."
"Hmm." Amy said as took a sip of her water. Amy watched as Laurel pulled out a box of cigarettes and a lighter.
"Want one?" Laurel asked Amy
"No, Thanks you." Amy said
"Ok! You are missing out my friend!" Laurel said and Amy chuckled.
"Oh what the heck!" Amy said as she grabbed a cigarette. Laurel lit it for her and she did it like it was nobody's business. For two seconds then started coughing.
"You're a newbie, you don't have to instantly look cool!" Laurel said
"Ok!" Amy said with a chuckle.
The more and more they hung out with each other, the more Laurel started to act a little girly in the way she talked. Amy would always tease her about it.
They hung out together everyday after school.
6 months after they met, Laurel texted Amy.

"Hey, can you come over? Friend emergency. I need you."

"Yes, of course! I'm on my way! See you soon"

"Ok, hurry."

Amy got worried thinking about what happened. When got at her first door she knocked.
"Oh Amy! Thank God you're here! Laurel has lost it!" Laurel's mom said as she pulled Amy inside.
"What happened!?! Is she okay?!" Amy said as her mom shut the door.
"Mentally, No. Physically, Yes but not for long."
"What happened!" Amy yelled, she could hear Laurel crying.
"Just go! Please!" Her mom said.

Amy went in her room. When she walked in, she was horrified at what she saw. Her make up was smeared, her pillow that she was crying in was coved in black make up.
"Amy?" Laurel said crying her eyes out. Amy ran to her and held her as she cried.
"What happened?" Amy said calmly. She stopped crying and grabbed a tissue. She wiped off all of her make up and tears.
"Well, l was trying to text josh, and he wouldn't answer." ( josh is her boyfriend)
"So, I called him. I said hey and he was quiet. Then he said "I've been regretting have to tell you but..." I said "what ever it is, you can tell me!" And he said... that he's in love with Rachel. (Rachel was her best friend) And she's in love with him. He said he hates telling me this, this late, and that they are engaged. And that she's pregnant. And he thanked me for bringing her to him. then he hung up. And I.... I just can't... I can't do this..." Laurel said as she started crying again. Amy held on to her tightly.
"Hey... if you want, we can crush their wedding? Or we can like, ruin her wedding dress? Would that make you feel better?" Amy said with a chuckle as she tried to brush her knotted hair with her fingers. Laurel laughed.
"I love you so much." Laurel said as she hugged her.
"Love you too." Amy said as she hugged her back. After Laurel hugged her, she got up and grabbed something off her dresser. It was canister.
"Laurel. What is in that." Amy said worried.
"Chocolate milk, what do you think?"
"Ha ha! But seriously!"
"Liquor. You?"
"Oh my Gosh Laurel! Are you drunk!"
"No! We call it tipsy."
"Who's we?"
"Huh. I don't know!"
"You need to lay down." Amy said
"Maybe you need t-" Laurel was going to say but then laid next to Amy. "Would you like a drink?" Laurel asked
"Come on! You jump I jump!"
"How does that even apply? You want me to get drunk at 18!"
"Fine. Be a goody-two-shoes."
"That doesn't work on me."
"Fine." Laurel said then went to sleep. Amy stayed with her all night.
In the morning, Laurel got to drink again.
"Laurel No!" Amy said as she went to her dresser. Amy has been up for hours. Laurel just had gotten up.
"Why are you doing this!"
"I don't know why!!!"
"Then stop!"
"Good!" Laurel said
"I gotta go. I'm going to be late for movie afternoon ."
"Movie afternoon ?"
"Yeah, it's this thing my parents make us do every afternoon after church. And I couldn't go to church, so at least I can be home for the movie we're gonna watch. I don't know what it is."
"Ok... see you Tomorrow."
"No more drinking!" Amy said right before she left her room.

The next day at school, Laurel didn't show up. Amy got scared. "Was it something I said? Is she still drunk? Did she hurt herself!" Amy thought. She got really scared. She went to her favorite teacher, Mrs. Collin before she left the school.
"Ma'am, have you seen Laurel?"
"No, I haven't. She must be sick."
"Ok..." Amy got in her old car that her parents gave her and went to Laurel's house. None of the cars were there. It looked like no one was home. She knocked on the door, to make sure no one was in there before she left. No one answered. She hated to do this but, she pulled out a house key that Laurel gave to her. She unlocked it and went inside. No one was there for sure. No furniture was in there. She went to her room and nothing was in there except a desk and a laptop. She unlocked the laptop with the password that Laurel told her. The only tap open was "Word". It read

"Why hello Amy. I see you've broken into my house. Oh well. You can't steal anything! I'm so sorry for not telling you. Me and My family have moved again. I can't tell you where. I can't tell you when you'll hear from me again, I but I will promise this. When I graduate high school, and have a house of my own (mobile home of course) I will be back. And we can be best friends again! Again, I'm so sorry but... I can't control what my parents make me do.

Love you my friend.


Amy went home with the laptop and tried to think why she left so quickly. She was only left with a few sentences and left with a million questions.
She wrote down everything thought and question she had for her. She missed her so much. And it had only been a few hours.

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