Short Story Six: "Revolutionary"

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[Written by-WhitTheReader ]
Sequel to Renegade

It's been a year since Charlie rode off on his motorcycle, leaving his family and Maureen behind. Today, he finally comes home.

" Dean you've asked me time and time again. The answer is No! N O!" Maureen yelled, slamming her car door. " Come on Maureen! You've gotta move on! He's never coming back!" Dean yelled at her through the window. Maureen turned the key in the ignition, trying to push the possibility of Charlie not coming back out of her mind. " She rolled down her window a bit. " He said he'd come back...and I believe he will." She answered, pulling out  Walmart parking lot. She looked in her rear view mirror, Dean got into his red mustang, hitting his steering wheel in frustration. He tried desperately to get Maureen to go out with him, she just wouldn't budge. She drove up to Jackie's, walking inside the building. She sat at the bar, Jackie coming up to her. " Your usual?" She smirked, grabbing a glass. " You know it." She laughed, Jackie fixing her drink. A few weeks after Charlie left, she created a drink called " The Renegade". It was basically whiskey on the rocks with a secret ingredient. " One Renegade." Jackie said, setting her drink on a coaster. " How ya doin hon? Old Dean Sanders still bugging you?" She asked, twirling her now bleached hair. " You know Dean. He's a fighter." She sighed, taking a sip of her drink. " Well, if you ever get tired of him it he tries something...." she said, getting close to her. " I've got a shotgun and shovel. Just tell me how big of a hole." She whispered. " Jackie!" Maureen exclaimed, she couldn't help but laugh. " Hey! I'm serious! Just give me a call, I'll load my pickup and be there." She said with a laugh. Maureen and Jackie became good friends over the months. She started coming here everyday, really just to talk. She sat there for a while when a motorcycle sped through the street. Maureen opened the bar door, watching the motorcycle stop at the end of street before turning. Jackie came out behind her,  "Who the heck was that?" She asked.  "Probably some lunatic from out of town." Maureen concluded, walking back inside. She sat on the stool when Charlie entered her mind. " Jackie, what if..." she started when Jackie interrupted. " No! It couldn't be!" She said, looking out the window again. "But what if it is! What if he's back!" Maureen said, jumping from her seat, rushing out the bar door. She jumped in her car, swerving out of Jackie's parking lot, barely missing her red  pickup. Jackie opened the door shouting At her " Watch the car! Go get em honey!" She yelled, Maureen speeding off in the motorcycle's direction.

Maureen drove everywhere, there was no sign of the motorcycle. It was like it just vanished into thin air. She swatted her wheel in frustration, she started going down her parents streets. She didn't want too, but would risk it if she would be able to see Charlie again. She passed by a few houses, dreading to reach her former residence. She crept up towards the house, stopping two house before hers. In the driveway sat a shiny black Harley Davidson. The rider she guessed left the front door of her home, helmet in hand. Maureen opened her car door, slamming it shut. The rider was about get back on his bike when her car door made his head turn towards her. He sat his helmet on the motorcycle, staring at her. She couldn't see exactly what he looked like, she did know he had short brown hair and was dressed in leather clothing. He started to walk towards her, she doing the same. The closer they got, the more they realized who each other were. Charlie and Maureen stood a couple feet away from him, holding back tears. " Charlie?" She asked, a tear slipping out. He smiled " In the flesh." She ran into his open arms, laughing and crying. " I missed you so much." She whispered. " I missed you too." He replied, studying her red face. " You've changed a lot since I've last seen you." He said, looking back at her car. " What happened to the Porsche?" He laughed. She looked back at her pathetic silver Sedan, when her parents cut her off, they took the car too. " Haven't you heard? Porsche is out and Sedans are in!" She chuckled. Charlie smiled, " I love you." He whispered, leaning down to kiss her. His lips brushed hers as Maureen's shouting mother startled them. " Ohh I'm sorry am I interrupting your make out session?" She spat, folding her arms. Maureen tilled her eyes " Mom can you please just leave us alone?" She asked, Charlie looking from her to her mother. " Is he the reason why you dropped out of Medical School?" She asked, glaring at Charlie. " You dropped out of school?" Charlie asked, astonished at the news. " We're going now." Maureen said, pulling Charlie to her car. " What about his bike! You can't just leave it here! It's an eye sore!" She shouted at them, Maureen opened the drivers door " Poor you!" She yelled back sarcastically, entering the vehicle.

They went to Maureen's apartment, Charlie was silent the whole way. " Welcome to my place." Maureen said, opening her apartment door. Charlie looked around the space, it was pretty small. Their was a brown couch with a coffee table in front, a small tv sat in a dresser against a wall. It looked a little pathetic. Considering where she used to live. " Whatcha think?" She asked, shutting the door, hanging her keys on a hook on the wall. " Umm, well..why did you quit Medical school?" He asked suddenly. " E-excuse me?" She breathed. " Why did you quit? You had so much potential, you've always wanted to become a doctor." He asked, trying to figure her out. " That was never what I wanted. That's what my parents wanted, they wanted me to go to medical school, they wanted me to become a doctor, they wanted their little girl to be successful!" She yelled her cheeks turning red. " They wanted my life to be perfect, they wanted me to be perfect. They wanted me to rely on their money so they could control me. Well, I revolted!" She explained, trying not cry. Charlie stared blankly at her face. I'm back 10 minutes anI already made her have a breakdown. He thought. " Hey, it's okay. You don't have to tell me anymore." He said, hugging her. " As long as your happy." He smiled, squeezing her a little harder. It made him feel whole, being with her. His phone started to buzz, Maureen left his arms, wiping her eyes. Charlie looked at the phone for a brief second, instantly taking the call. " Hey Conner, what's up?" He said, backing into her kitchen. She tried not to listen in on the conversation, but it was hard not to. " What? How did he find me?" Charlie exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair stressfully. " How much time do I have?" He asked, looking back at Maureen. " Ok, thx Conner." He said, sliding his phone into his pant pocket. He leaned on her kitchen table, biting his lip. Out of no where he slammed his hand on the counter in anger. " Charlie!" She yelled, walking over to him. " What'a your problem?" She asked, grabbing his arm. He looked at her, his lip bleeding from him biting it. " I got myself into a lot of trouble Maureen." He explained, " trouble I can't run away from." He whispered to himself. " What are you talking about? Charlie!" She asked frantically, looking him in the face. No response. " Charlie! Renegade!" She yelled, getting a look out of him. " I have to go." He said, brushing past her. " So that's it? You're just-." She started to say when his lips collided with hers. It lasted only a second till he was out the door. She was dumbfounded, staring into space. She was snapped out of her reverie when  she noticed her keys were missing. " Charlie!" She yelled, running after him. She ran down to the parking lot, Charlie speeding out with her car. " Charlie! What the hell is wrong with you!" She yelled at him, the car headed onto the road.

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