Chapter Eight: "Graveyard Girl"

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" Hey, Brody. It's Matt." I said, looking down at his gravestone. Brody Davidson 2014-2019. He died a couple of months ago. Drowned in the lake. He was only five years old. I sat the bouquet of flowers down on the ground, wiping my eyes. " We really miss you, Bud." I said, kneeling down on the ground. "Mom's heartbroken. She still can't come to visit yet. I promise I'll get her too, just give me some time." I explained, the breeze blowing through the trees. Sending the autumn colored leaves down on top of me. I pulled a little toy car out of my jean pocket. It was an old pick up truck, that had been chewed on many times. It was Brody's favorite toy. " Remember this?" I laughed, holding it up for him to see as if he were here. " You threw such a fit when you couldn't find it. You'd make that cute little pouty face of yours." I said, tears starting to run down my cheeks. I put the truck away, wiping my face with the sleeve of my jacket. I stood up, looking away before I started to cry agiain. A few gravestones away was a girl. She was leaned against the grave, not moving. Out of curosity and concern, I walked over. Mascara ran down her face, obviously from crying. She wore a tattered yellow dress, dirt and leaves stuck to it. her feet were bare. "Umm hello? Are you okay?" I asked, no response. I leaned down to put my hand on her shoulder when her eyes shot open, a scream erupted from her lips. I jumped back, watching her hide behind the grave, staring at me in fear. " Hey, it's okay. I was just making sure you were okay." I said, holding up my hands. She stared atmy face for a minute, then stood up. Her hair was in tangles, leaves weaved inside her blonde strands. She walked to the front of the grave, looking at the name. I slowly got closer, looking at the name. Leigh Anne Waters 2004-2019. I looked at her face, it was pure sorrow. "I'm sorry for your loss." I said as she began to bite her broken nails. Then she looked at me " I'm sorry for yours as well." She replied. " How did you..?" "You're in a cemetary. I'm gussing you lost someone too." She explained, looking back down at Leigh Anne's grave. " I did...My little brother passed away a couple of months ago." I said, feeling the truck in my pocket. The girl kept her eyes fixed on the grave, holding her wrist. They were bright red like she had rope burn or something. " I-I'm really sorry. I know what it's like to lose someone." She said sadly. " If I may ask...How did it happen?" She asked, looking up at me. I hesitated, thinking my answer through. As I'm thinking, I see the girl itch at her raw wrists. " I'll tell you if you tell me what happened to you." I said, looking down at her now bleeding wrists. She followed my gaze, wiping them on her dress. " Are you okay?" I asked. She backed away from me, fear and sadness washing over her face. " I-I'm not supposed to be here." She said, starting to walk away. " Wait! Let me help you, please." I pleaded, grabbing her arm. She swung around towards me, tears welling in her eyes. " You can't help me. No one can!" She cried, pulling away. She dashed away, her dress flailing around her. " Wait! Please!" I yelled, running after her. I almost had her when she disappeared behind a tree. I looked around, no sign of her anywhere.

The next day was the same. I visited Brody's grave as usual. Mother still refused to come, her heart just couldn't take it. As I sat a rose on top of his gravestone, I heard a rustling I'd leaves behind me. I whipped around to see the girl, she jumped back, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. " Hello, again." I said, standing up. She looked at Brody's grave, then back at me. " I actually, need your help." She said, rubbing her arms. I stood up off the ground,  "What can I do?" I asked. "I need you to help me bring Leigh Ann Waters killer to justice."

I was dumbfounded, "How are we going to do that? I don't even know you?"
"My names...Mary. Mary Waters."
" I'm guess Leigh Anne was your..?"
"Sister. She was my sister."
" I see. So, you wanna find your sister's killer?"
"Yes. I already know who the killer is. I just need evidence that will put him in prison."
I thought hard. This was a big job. This is a dangerous job. I hardly even know this girl! Now I'm just gonna help her find her dead  sister's killer?
"I'm in."

~~Part Two Coming Soon~~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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