Chapter One

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Violet's P.O.V

     "Please Miah, they deserve to know about her." My blue eyes plead with his blue/green ones. "I'll be safe Alfie worked for British special forces."

     "Promise you and Mar will be safe?" I nod. "Alright As long as Ecco drops you off, then picks you up." I kiss him on the cheek and walk to Martha's room where she's taking her nap. I gently shake her awake and her blue eyes open and meet mine.

     "Come on baby girl time to meet your uncle." 

     "Reawy?" I nod, and she smiles. I pick her up and carry her to the car where Ecco's waiting. I buckle Martha in then climb in the front next to Ecco.

     "Wayne Manor." She nods and we leave. Around 20 minutes later we're pulling up to the gates. "We can walk from here."

     "Call me when you're ready to come home."

     "I will." I walk up to the long driveway carrying Martha. I walk into the large house and start by looking in the study. When no one's there I go to the library. 

     "Where are they?" I mutter under my breath. I sigh and walk downstairs to the kitchen. 

     "Any luck?"

     "Sorry Master B I can't get ahold of her."

     "No need she if I'm the one my favorite brother and the second dad are talking about is right here." They jump before turning to face us.

     "V." I set Martha down as Bruce nearly tackles me with a hug.

     "Uncle?" I chuckle and nod. 

     "Bruce Alfie meet Martha Lila Wilde, My daughter." 

     "Daughter?" They ask at the same time and I nod. "What were you thinking?" Alfie half yells and Martha hides behind my leg.

     "That I was over Eighteen my husband had a stable job, and we wanted a daughter." Alfred's frown deepens at my words.

     "Master B, can you take Miss Martha and go play well, I talk to your sister." 

    "Mar, you're gonna go play with your uncle for a little bit." Bruce takes her to go play and I sit at the counter. "Alfie, I know what you're gonna say-"

     "Really? You've been gone! You weren't there for your parents' funeral! You weren't there when your brother needed you!"

     "I wasn't because I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't be here for Bruce because I wasn't strong enough. I was broken after they died. Xan helped me and I still couldn't find the strength to come back here." I get up and go find Bruce and Martha.

     "Mommy." She squeals as I walk into Bruce's room. "Are we going home?"

     "Yeah Aunty Ecco's on her way."

     "Awe you huwt?" She asks, and I smile at her.

     "No baby, I'm fine. Thank you, Bruce."

     "You're welcome bring her back soon." I kiss his cheek before leaving.

     "I promise." I walk outside to see Ecco waiting for us. We get back to the bunker and Jeremiah's waiting for us. "Hey, babe."

     "How'd it go?"

     "Ecco, can you put Mar to bed for me?"

     "Of course." After she's out of sight, I pull out a bottle of brandy and pour a generous glass. Jeremiah wraps his arms around my waist well, I down it. 

     "What happened?" He asks softly.

     "There was a lot of yelling and disappointment from Alfie. Martha captured Brucie's heart." 

     "It'll be alright love." I pour myself another drink.

     "Should I have gone back after..." I trail off and he sighs.

     "You needed time, then Martha happened. It's not your fault." I down my the drink and  pour another one after I down it, I pour another one, and he takes the bottle from me.

     "Miah." I whine causing him to chuckle. 

     "Drinking isn't going to solve your problems." I reach for the bottle and he pulls it away. "Violet, it's gonna be okay. I promise." I nod and lean against his chest. 

     "I love you." I mumble. 

     "I love you too." 

     "Miah, do you think Alfie will look at me with pride like he used to?"

     "Yesm just give him some time." He says soothingly. 

     "What if he doesn't?"

     "Then you still have me, Mar, and your brother." My eyes close and tears fall. "It'll be alright love." 

     "How do you know that? What if it isn't? WHat if I lose you too?"

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