Fatgum x child!sibling!reader

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You're beautiful

(Ok so an alternative name for this chapter could be Fatgum x insecure!chubby!child!sibling!reader soo ya. I hope you all enjoy!!)

(You're 8-10 years old)

1:30 am. That's when you woke up. And the crazy thing was you went to bed at 12. You sighed. You had the exact same quirk as your brother, but when the shield ran out, he would be all skinny and buff looking. You looked like a marshmallow. You didnt like to say you envied him. You just wished you looked like him whenever he'd shed a few pounds. Tears filled your eyes. He had gone away for some hero thing and left you home alone. Alone with your thoughts. You sniffed as you remembered the sticks and stones that were thrown at you. 'Eww look it's that fat rat.' 'How ya doin fatty?' 'Hey you want my lunch? No? Well I mean I thought you would because you're always eating and that's why your so fat.' The tears that were in your eyes, spilled uncontrollably. You sobbed. "T-Tai.....come h-home p-please." You sobbed. You grabbed a plush that Fatgum had gotten you and held it close to you. It smelled like caramel or something sweet, but at the same time smelled like something sour or pungent, but it the pungent didnt overcome the sweet neither the sweet overcome the pungent. It smelled good. You sobbed into the plushie. "T-Tai p-please p-please come h-home." You whimpered. But it's as if the gods heard your plea. You heard the front door open and a very exasperated sigh. You sniffed and got off your bed, your bare feet touched the cold floor. You shivered, but walked nonetheless. You clutched the plushie and walked down the stairs quietly. Your brother was in his skinny form and you seeing him in that form made more tears well up in your (e/c) orbs. "T-Tai..?" You whimper. Your older brother turned around and looked over at you. "Heya gummybear." He says. Your lower lip trembled as you rushed over to hug him. "Isnt it a little late for you to be up?" He paused to see if you were gonna answer, but you didnt. You kept your mouth shut. "(Y/N)? Gummybear whats-" "Dont call me that Tai." You said in the harshest voice you could muster. "What why not?" "I dont like it." You mumble. "What? Why not I thought you said it was funny." "C-cause...." You mumble. "Cause...?" He asks. "Cause it makes me feel..........like this." You say pointing to your chub. "What.....what do you mean by that?" He asks. You sniffled. "......you look thinner than me and the other kids at school make fun of me." You confessed. "They call me ugly and fat and mean words. And I don't like it." You tear up. "Am I ugly Tai?" You ask. He shakes his head no. "(Y/N), sweets you're not ugly or fat or chubby. You're beautiful. You're unique. You're my favourite little gummybear. And what they say doesnt matter. You know people that say mean things just mean they're jealous of you. They want what you have." He soothed. You nod your head, sniffled and hugged the hero tighter. He sighs petting your forehead. It was a quiet moment. No words were being shared. It was silent. It was comforting. "You know I love you right?" He asks. "Mhm" You respond. You began to grow tired as your breathing began to slow down. Fat gum, being the dad figure he is, noticed and picked you up. You clung onto him and held the plushie tighter. He brought you to your room and placed you on the bed. He tucked you in and kissed your forehead. But as he turned around, you grab his hand. "Stay?" You ask. He smiles slightly. He gets under the covers with you and you cling onto him like a koala. He smiles. "I love you gummy bear. And never forget you're beautiful." He says as the sleepiness succumbs the both of you.

A/n: haha!! Another update for you guys!! I hope you enjoyed this one and I just wanna take the time to admire that photo on the top. Like fatgum omg he's so frickin cute omg🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. But anyways I hope you have a plus ultra day/night!!

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