Shinsou x daughter!reader

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Your quirk doesn't define you

(Why is that photo so good looking oml. Credit goes to whoever made it!! Also request from @Iamaweebderp so I hope u enjoy!!!!!!)

(You're 7 in this)

"Ok children settle down." Your teacher instructs. "Alright, so today we will be talking about what we're gonna be when we grow up!!" She exclaims. She calls each child by name and they all went up to present. "Ok, umm (Y/N), what do you want to be when you grow up?" She asks. "I wanna be a pro hero." You said. "A pro hero? You cant be a pro hero!" A young girl exclaims. "Mrs. (Teachers Name) she cant be a hero! She had a villain quirk!" She exclaimed. "Its not a villain quirk. It's my papa's quir-" "Then your papa's a villain." Your heart broke as tears filled your eyes. "He's not!!" You whine, stomping your foot. "Is too!" "Is not!!" "Is too!!" "Enough!! Both of you!!" (Teachers name) says sternly. "(Y/N), honey go sit." She says. You lower your head and grab the hem of your shirt as you walk towards your seat. Once you make it to your seat you rest your head on your desk and whimper, tears flowing out of your (e/c) eyes. [TimeSkip to lunch] You sat alone.....again. You sighed as you opened your lunchbox, seeing (favorite food) and (favorite drink). You also saw (favorite snack). You began to nibble on the food. (If ur favorite food is soup you drank the soup and ate the noodles). Your lower lip trembled as you began to cry. Why did people say so many mean things about your papa? He wasnt bad. You continued to chew/eat as the tears rolled down your now reddened cheeks. You sniffled. "Hey guys look!! Its the loser!!" A kid exclaims. He and his posse walk over to you and sit down next to you. "Hey, why're ya cryin?" He asks. "C-cause p-people keep on making fun of my pa-" "Who cares??!!" You flinch at the loud noise and whimper. "Just suck it up!!" He yells. You began trembling as you grew scared of the male infront of you. "Haha she's such a baby!!" One yells. "Loser!" "Villain!!" "Poopyhead!" (A/n: come on they're kids and there's always that 1 kid that'll call someone that.) The 'leader' of the group pushed you on the floor. "Look guys I told you! She's weak!! Even if she has a villain quirk I dont think she'll be strong enough." Your eyes widened as the others laughed at you. You scrambled back to your feet and ran away. "Hey!!! Loser where are you going?!?!!!" He yelled. You ran as far as your legs could take you. "The *pant* roof." You pant. You sit on the floor and continue to catch your breath. Tears welled in your eyes as your now shallow breathing heavied once more. You brought your knees to your chest and whimpered. You buried your face into your knees and cried. [TimeSkip] You made it home and your father was asleep on the sofa. The 2 cats and 3 kittens, who were just cuddling with your father, hopped off of him and walked over to you. You smiled lightly. Your eyes were puffy and red and there were still tear streaks on your pink-tinted cheeks. You kneeled down and pet the cats. "Hi Gray. Hi Lola. Hi Blueberry. Hi Sherman. Hey Cookie." You greeted. You got up and walked over to your father, slinging your bag off of your shoulder while doing so. You climbed onto him and rested your head on his chest. The day replayed in your mind and the harsh words replayed. Your eyes once again filled with tears. You grabbed a two fistfuls of your dad's tank top, buried your face in his chest and cried. After a few moments, your sniffles and whimpers and the tightness of your grip woke him up. He yawned and looked down at your trembling and sniffling figure. "(Y/N)?" He asks. "Papa.." Your voice wavers. He immediately wakes up at your broken voice. He holds you close and pets your head, in an attempt to soothe you. You cry into his tank top. "Shh shh shh. Papa's here. I'm right here." He soothes. After a few moments of soothing and hushing, you finally calmed down. "Now, kitten, what happened? Why is my baby so upset?" He asks. You hiccup. "People said mean things about you." You pause. "They said that you were a villain and that I was a villain and that I couldn't be a hero! They called me weak and I dont like it!" You wail. Shinsou wiped your tears and kissed your forehead. He pulled you closer to him and rocked you. After like 5 minutes he spoke up. "Y'know, babygirl, your quirk doesn't say who you are. Your quirk doesn't define who you are. You're (Y/N) Shinsou, my life and my everything. You're not a villain. You're a smart, beautiful and amazing person. And you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Don't let the others say otherwise. Ok?" You nod and sniffle. "You wanna take a nap?" He asks out of the blue. "Mhm I'd like that papa." You mumble. So Shinsou lied back down and you moved up so your head could rest in the crook of his neck. He kissed your forehead. "Night, kitten. I love you." "Love you too papa." The both of you fell asleep peacefully, as if neither of you had a care in the world. 

A/n: Kay so I hope you all enjoyed and I feel like I made Shinsou a little too soft, but I feel like that's how he would act towards you. Anywho, I hope you all have a plus ultra day/night!! Love you all!!!!!<33333

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