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A/N - request for EmilyHarron8

It was amazing being Reidy's younger sister, sure some people didn't know why you were always hanging around the tower but they never asked so, naturally, you didn't tell them.

It was a warm Saturday in Spring and you decided it would be a perfect day to go down to Bondi, instead of studying for your maths exam.

Walking into the tower, you didn't recognise anyone, when suddenly, someone with long blonde hair stopped you,

"Hey can I help you?" He asked,
"Oh sorry! Yeah, well... I've come to see Reidy?

I'm Y/N" You stuttered,

"Hi Y/N, sorry we can't have non-lifeguards up here, just because it crowds the tower. Maybe come back tomorrow if you want to take a photo with him"

He began closing the door you were seemingly standing in front of, (I know they're not that mean)

"But...-" the door closed and you sighed, walking away from the tower you wondered if reidy really was in the tower and would've wanted to say hi.

You picked a spot near the flags and put your stuff down, taking off your sundress, you walked to the waters edge and let the coolness wash over your toes.

You were an adequate swimmer, so when you felt yourself being pulled out to sea, you panicked slightly.

It had been a few minutes since you had fallen in the rip and you were struggling more by the second.

You quickly thrust a fist into the hair while paddling with your legs.

Eventually, you could see someone with a blue board paddling to you, upon their arrival you identified them as your brother, Reidy,

"Y/N! How did you get back here?" He asked, helping you onto the board,

"I have no idea" you said, attempting to laugh.

Once back on land, you noticed the man who rejected your entry to the tower, walking towards you,

"Nice Rescue mate" he said acknowledging reidy, then turning to you,

"Are you feeling ok? Do you think you swallowed some water?" He asked,

"No" you said resolutely, not wanting to engage in conversation with the man,

"Oh my gosh Y/N!" He said recognising you, "I'm Jethro by the way, this is reidy here" he said pointing to your brother, "I reckon you could ask for a photo-"

"Thanks Jethro but I'm his sister, I see him everyday, I don't need another photo" You smiled at reidy, who overheard your entire conversation, and left the beach.

"Mate you could've told me she was your sister!" Jethro exclaimed, seeing your retreating figure, Reidy just shrugged and got back to work

A/N - sorry if that was super crap and not what you requested 😅

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