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The Next Day

The sun was setting on Inkopolis as Trey Jefferson pulled out his keys, lazily opening the door to his workshop and entering. He flipped his keys in his hand casually as he went to turn on the lights and then the music player they had stationed in the work room, turning on some loud rock music.

"Woo!" He cheered to the music, taking off his jacket and randomly throwing it aside as he did. No one was here tonight, and it was a Friday, so he had every intention to relax and maybe get some casual work projects done.

He went to the fridge and grabbed a beer, cracking it open and quickly taking a swig, nodding his head to the music a little as he did. This was his kind of night. Sighing in satisfaction, he went over to his work space and sat down, preparing to get some work done for the night, starting with measurements. He sang along with the music as he worked, continuing to nod his head.

This carried on for several minutes as he worked in peace, nothing bothering him at all. Soon, however, there was something that briefly broke his concentration, even if it was a bit hard to hear above the music: the sound of footsteps, a chair moving a little, and then the sound of someone transforming into their squid form as soon as he turned his head to look.

"...Hello?" He asked. Dropping everything, he got up and went to look. "Cameron, is that you? Don't be messing with me, man..."

One look around, and... nothing. No sign anyone was there at all. Perhaps he was just imagining things. The music made it hard to tell if he did actually hear something anyway. He shrugged it off and went back to his work station, and quickly went back to what he was doing.

"Should I stay or should I go now...?" He sang along. "Should I stay or should I go now...? If I go there will be trouble... and if I stay it will be double..."

A couple minutes passed like this before he heard what sounded like more footsteps, and he turned his head even faster this time. Nothing, just like before.

"I'm going crazy, man..." He shook his head at himself as he sighed and returned to his work, trying his hardest to focus. If there were any more footsteps that he heard, he decided to pass them off as his imagination.

Then, to his dismay, his music abruptly turned off, slamming the place into an uncomfortable silence.

"What the...?" He turned around at his fastest this time, now getting a bit worried. "...If someone is pranking me right now, it isn't funny..."

Silence. Nervously, he pulled a knife out and flipped it out, holding it up and looking around. "If you wanna fucking dance, Cameron... We'll dance. I'll fucking egg your head off if you jump me, I swear to god... so stop playing."


"...So let's dance." A female voice suddenly said behind him.

He jumped and immediately turned around, immediately getting hit in the face by whoever it was. He was knocked back by the impact, and he crashed to the wall, sliding to the ground. She hit hard, he had to admit. He reached up to feel that his nose was bleeding, and he wiped some of the ink with his fingers, before looking up at the intruder. He quickly recognized the face, like probably anyone would, and when he realized who it was, he felt like his hearts dropped to his stomach. It was none other than the "deceased" Jessica Murdock.

"We need to talk." Jessica said, towering over him. "And I wouldn't bother fighting."

Trey's face was riddled with fear already, and he started shaking nervously a bit. "...You shouldn't be here..."

"You know information about the Underdogs. I want everything you have. Or else you're gonna learn what pain feels like tonight." Jessica continued, glaring at him in a threatening manner.

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