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"Tension in Inkopolis is continuing to rise as Jessica Murdock, otherwise known as former vigilante Agent 3..."

"...has been revealed to still be alive, after having been thought dead by the public for months..."

"...and the police have even gone as far as to link Jessica Murdock directly to the recent terrorist attacks within Inkopolis..."

"...including the most recent attack at strip club Inky Cheeks..."

"There's no doubt we're starting to see patterns with these connected yet seemingly random attacks in Inkopolis..."

"...and now we're realizing that the New Squidbeak Splatoon might be directly involved..."

"Many people are starting to question their trust in the IPD and have been asking some concerning questions..."

"Is Inkopolis even safe anymore? I don't even feel safe letting my kids walk to school alone, let alone leave the house at all..."

The same general topic was now coming from many different televisions and different programs, all lined up behind glass windows in TV stores by the sidewalk, and tension among the public was running high. The topic was actively being discussed now by strangers, the police, even political people in Inkopolis; everyone was concerned for the city at this point.

Of course, among the many people who now couldn't get Agent 3's presence out of their head was Daniel himself. Walking along the sidewalk underneath the gray sky, a backpack slung over his shoulder with his Executioner mask and other equipment hidden away, Daniel passed by the wall of TVs and stopped to listen. Even if this wasn't what the Underdogs wanted exactly, it was certainly generating fear. The people of Inkopolis were now afraid for what was to come, and that was certainly what they wanted.

He closed his eyes just to take in all the sounds of the area. Many paranoid people talking away on the TV, police sirens in the distance, other people nearby talking amongst themselves about the very same topic... Chaos was slowly unfurling in the city.

Of course, even over that, were the voices. Whispering at him. Yelling at him. Begging him to do different things. He wished to make them go away... but at the same time, there wasn't much he could do about it. Sighing, he reopened his eyes, looked around just to keep his grip on reality, and continued on his mission.

"The end is near!" A man suddenly chanted nearby, waving around the usual sign that mimicked his words. "This has all been a sign! Our judgement day is coming! Our judgement day is coming!" He continued yelling at passing civilians. Nobody really listened to him, passing him off as a crazy nutjob.

Daniel, however, was more aware of what was to come. If all went to plan, the city would soon fall, and he knew it. Their judgement day. He eyed down the people who were ignoring the chanter, and sighed before briefly joining in. "He's right, you know."

A few people, including the chanter, turned to him.

"Judgement day is coming." Daniel continued casually. He then continued walking, leaving one last line as he did. "So I'd leave the city while I still can if I were you..."

They, of course, continued to ignore him. He sighed. They had no idea what was coming... and frankly, he wasn't sure he was ready for it himself. But, none of that mattered right now. In fact, at around that moment, he started receiving a call on his COM system, through the earpiece he had on. Looking around, he decided to answer it in a more private spot, and snuck into a nearby alleyway.

Agent 3: ExecutionWhere stories live. Discover now