Chapter 1

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What the village looks like from the mansions view⬆️⬆️⬆️

Team watched as another person in front of him walked out onto the stage when their name was called to collect their high school diploma. It was getting closer and closer to him and he was so excited to take the diploma and be done with high school forever and this stupid village. Village my ass, it's more like a place where dreams go to die, that's why in a few days he was leaving this old village and attending the University of Cambridge. He wanted to be a archaeologists and Cambridge is the top university to study archeology.

He didn't care about the money not that there was a lot for being an archaeologists but it was his passion to discover things from long ago and find out it's history. History was also one of the things he loved about archeology, history was every where you look including this small town. This town had a lot of history and legends behind it, the most ridiculous one was the legend of the eight powerful demon princes. Legend has it that the founders of Demon Lake made a deal with the "Demon King" for his protection. In order to stay on his land and get his protection from the army that was supposedly coming for them they had to give up one boy every year on their seventeenth birthday. Apparently the prince would just know who their intended is and those poor unfortunate souls would be one of the princes mates and baby mama.

The boys that were chosen were called chosen ones and would live with the princes that claimed them for the rest of their lives while also giving birth to the next generation of demons. He had no idea why they couldn't just use females but that didn't really bother him since it was just a story to frighten misbehaving boys. If it were true which it isn't that would mean that tonight would be what the old folks would call Claiming Day. Claiming Day was apparently the day that the village people were supposed to pick a recently turned seventeen year old to go up to the creepy mansion on top of the even creepier hill and pass the gates of what people like to call the gates of hell and meet their apparent doom.

Team had recently turned seventeen and for some reason his parents wanted him to graduate earlier then was scheduled and head to Cambridge early. He told them he wanted to graduate with his friends and have that finally moment to tell his teachers what he really thought of them. They were the laziest teachers in the world and Team wasn't surprised that more than half of the failing students were graduating today.

"Team" a voice from the stage said. He smiled before walking out and taking his diploma. He walked to the front of the stage and threw his arms up.

"Fuck this school!!" he said making every student cheer loudly before he turned to look at the horrified teachers and principal.

"And fuck you all for saying I wouldn't amount to anything since I got accepted into the University of Cambridge on a foreign exchange scholarship program." He said before flipping them off making everyone lose their shit. He walked off the stage and joined his friends who high fived him and patted him on the back. He would probably pay for that with his parents but it was worth it.

A little while later he found his parents and they glared at him before sighing then smiling at him. He gave them each a hug before turning to his twelve year old little sister. She chuckled and hugged him telling him she totally got that all on camera. He smiled and told her to send it to him so he could show Type. His sixteen year old cousin couldn't come due to his parents needing his help with fixing their roof. He had told Team that he would definitely be there for his graduation party.

Team turned in his gown before they all headed to his father's truck and got in and drove home. When they got home Team hurried inside to get ready for the party which was in a half an hour at the teens hang out on a hill next to the hill with the creepy mansion on it. By the time he was ready and got into his car he had about five minutes to get there. He made it with a minute to spare and parked next to his friend Manow's car. He got out and headed to where he heard a lot of laughter. He smiled when he saw a bunch of his friends were here already. He greeted everyone including Type who handed him a beer.

"Where did you get this?" He asked.

"Destiny told me to tell you congratulations and the case of beer is from her to you." Type said. Destiny was Type's older sister, she just left back to America since spring break was over.

"Tell her I said thank you" Team said before opening the can of beer and taking a drink. He may be a good boy who got good grades to his parents but to his friends and cousin he's a party animal. Manow turned up the music on her radio a bit and they all enjoyed either dancing or sitting around fire pit as Pruk, Manow's boyfriend of three years cooked some food for them.

"How much you want to bet Pruk's mom is going to call him in the next five minutes?" Type said taking a sip of his beer.

"I'm not betting on that since Pruk is a mama's boy" Team said.

"I am not!!" Pruk said defensively as his phone rang making everyone laugh. Pruk glared at them before telling Manow to watch the meat so he could talk to his mom.

"Okay so what will you bet on?" Type asked. Team could tell that Type had had more than one beer. He didn't know what possessed him to speak up but it would be the one thing he would definitely regret later.

"I bet you couldn't throw this stone into that trash can down the hill." He said. The hill they were on wasn't very big nor was the trash can in question very far away but it was small enough that even a professional pitcher would have a hard time getting it in. Plus the idiot was way on his way to being completely drunk so it would be an easy win.

"Okay but if I win you have to go into the creepy mansion for the night." Type said before standing up. Team looked over at the mansion in question with a little fear. There was many rumors about who lives there including the eight powerful demon princes. Many people have claimed to see lights on or swore they saw people walking around the grounds of the mansion but no one could prove it since everyone in town was told to stay away from it. There was always that one idiot who just can't help themselves and ventured up to the creepy mansion only to never be seen again. Those idiots were the village drug addicts and probably moved on to the next town.

"You want me to spend the night in the most scariest place in Demon Lake?" Team said then gulped.

"Mr. Tough Guy can't handle a single night in the dark mansion." Type teased. Team glared at him before saying.

"Okay, if I win you have to spend the night there." He said making Type's eyes widen. "Mr. Tough Guy can't handle a single night in the dark mansion."

"You are on" Type said as a determined look came over his face. At that moment Team started to get really worried that he was going to lose this bet. Type took the stone and lined up the shot before he threw it as hard as he could and it went sailing through the air before the trash can. Oh shit.

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