Chapter 6

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Merlin ⬆️⬆️⬆️

Team stared at the empty spot where Win slept last night. After their conversation at the pool Team was even more confused about his feelings for the blonde prince. What he said in the game room confused him too.

"You have no idea how completely stunning you are to me."

What the hell did he do to be stunning? He thought over everything that has happened last night and today and nothing he had done classified as stunning. He sighed and rolled over to face Win's side of the bed, the man in question was in the second room down the hall. He had told him that he wanted to let him have a night alone so he could have his own space. It was kind of him but for some reason Team didn't like the thought of it which brings him to his current dilemma. He couldn't sleep.

He sighed again and rolled over to see the three clothes racks Win got for him since he had only the clothes he came in. He was shocked when he came in here to get ready for bed and found three racks of clothes all in his size. On the bench and chairs by the foot of the bed were piles of shoes, socks, underwear and hats. It took him a good thirty minutes to go through every thing and decide what he did and didn't like. Those he liked were put away in the walk in clothes, Win had made some room for him so he could put the stuff he like in there along with his things. All the stuff he didn't like which was only a few things he put in the bags they came in or back on the racks

Finally giving up on sleep he decided to go sit by the pool again. It was quickly becoming his favorite spot and a great place to go and think about stuff. He quietly left his room and went over to the spiral staircase thankful they didn't squeak as he went down. He walked through the living room to the door before he open it and stepped out. He walked down the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible so he didn't wake anyone, he went through the house to get to the backyard. He opened the back door and walked over to the lounge chair and sat down on the end of it before sighing. What a day he had after all the-

"Why aren't you a cute one?" An unfamiliar voice said making Team quickly look over to see who the voice belonged too. A young man stood a few feet away from him, he had short black hair, black eyes, short straight nose and  small plump lips. He was cute but something seemed off about him, something...not human..oh shit he's a demon but more than just that.

"Who and what are you?" He said standing up to moved further away from him.

"You're a smart one aren't ya, well my name is quite hard to say in the human language so you can call me Merlin and to answer your other question you could say that I'm a hunter/protector." He said. Team was having a hard time believing this scrawny kid could protect anyone, hunter is more like it. What did they legends say about demon hunters, something about they hunt...oh shit, demon hunters are actually called soul hunters and they only go after demon mates.

They were created by one of demon prince's ancestor who didn't want his mate and created a monster that looked very cute and feminine but could tear you to pieces in second. It was forbidden for a demon to kill a human so he couldn't do it himself which is why he created the soul hunters. They were said to be extinct after the third demon king along with seven of his sons killed not only all of the monsters the eighth son created but also the eighth son himself.

"I can see you know what I am and it would be best not to run since I will catch you and I will make your death painful." He said.

"You are supposed to be extinct" he said fear laced through his voice.

"A few of us escaped before the third Demon King and his sons could get to us and we have been wandering around both the human and demon realms looking for food and feeding on what we can but then we heard whispers of a chosen one from the family line of Cyrus, the one to make the deal with the first Demon King and I couldn't help myself, I had to come see if the rumors were true and now that I know it's true I am awfully hungry from the blood of a Cyrus descendant."

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