Chapter 2

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Team took a deep breath as he made his way up the stairs towards the gate of his eternal doom. He couldn't believe he was doing this, he couldn't believe this was happening to him and for once in his life he prayed to whatever God was out there that the legends weren't true and he was just going to spend a night in a cold old mansion.

"Uhm Team, I change my mind I don't think you should go in there." Type said worry laced through his words. He was going to chicken out when he got to the gate but it swung open and he felt this shift in the energy around him. Something was calling him, telling him to come through the gates. He took another step and before his friends could get to him he had step through the entrance of the gate. He was forced out of his trace when the gate slammed closed as his friends made it to the top.

"Don't touch the gate!!" He blurted out feeling an uneasy feeling about that gate like it could kill you if you touched it.

"Team, open the gate and let's go home" A panicked Type said.

"I don't think I can" he said. He had no idea why he was so calm, he should be panicked that he was stuck behind a possessed door that could possibly kill you if you touch it and the house behind him started calling to him again. It wasn't really like it was actually saying anything, it was more like he was being pulled by some magic force.

"I have to go now" He said calmly as he slowly turned towards the house.

"Team don't do it!!!" Manow said panicked.

"Stop playing Team come on out" Pruk said.

"I don't think he's playing" Type said truly starting to lose his shit. Team made his way to the house and when he entered that calm feeling faded quickly when the door closed behind him. His breath started to pick up when he heard eight separate dark chuckles. He couldn't really see anything except the moonlight shining through a glass door. He was a little surprised to see how modern and fancy things that he could see were. He whirl around when he heard whispers from behind him or more like above him. He looked up and he almost screamed when he saw seven pair of glowing red eyes. Wait a minute....aren't there supposed to arm went over his shoulder and neck from behind and Team tensed when he felt heated breath on his neck.

"Well well, aren't you a little one" a sexy as sin voice said making Team hold back a moan. His sexuality was never a question, he was hella gay but had never gone far with the two boyfriends he's had. His thoughts were thrown out the window when the demon lick from the bottom of his neck to his chin. Team quickly tore away from him and turned to face him as the lights turned on and he got his first good look at him. He was fucking gorgeous. He looked very much like a human but Team knew he was definitely not human. He had blonde hair, light pale skin, straight nose, plump lips that he wanted to bite o- bad Team, he's a demon you can't bite on his lip.

"It's about time the first chosen on showed up." A voice from above said but he didn't dare turn his back on the demon who had just lick his neck. The demon in question bit his lip before letting it go and looking up at the demons above.

"He's very cute" he said before looking back at him. "And so mine"

"Hey, I don't belong to anyone especially you, this was a mistake I'm not supposed to be here this was all because I lost a bet." Team said.

"You weren't chosen?" One of the demons said as they all headed towards the stairs.

"No, I bet my cousin that he couldn't throw a stone into a small trash can and the punishment for losing was to spend the night in here." Team said. He was trying really hard not to lose his shit. The legend is real. There really are eight demon princes and they think he is one of the chosen.

"The gate open for you and you were able to walk through without being burned alive so you must have felt the pull." A rather handsome demon said. He wasn't as tall as the blonde demon who stood probably at six feet, he was probably an little shorter at maybe 5'9 he has light brown skin, black hair and black eyes along with black eyebrows. When he got a look at all of them he realized how handsome they all are. And they-wait a minute.

"Did you just say being burned alive!!" He said with wide eyes.

"Yes, it keeps people who are not the chosen one away." Another demon said. This looked a little taller than the blonde so maybe six foot one. He had tan skin, black hair and really soulful brown eyes.

"I'm really fucking confused" Team said scratching his head. He really just wanted to go home and sleep this night away.

"Tharn's father must have changed the rules since the humans have forgotten the deal." Another demon said but Team could tell he wasn't be completely honest. He was as tall as the blonde, he had black hair and brown eyes. He wasn't Team's type but he was still cute.

"At least the claiming has started and knowing our families past as I do we should be get a new chosen one every year for the next eight years." Another demon said. He was probably five foot eleven and had black hair brown eyes that look like the had mischief behind them.

"What's your name?" Another demon said making every look at him. The demon was hella cute with his adorable smile, he had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Team, my name is Team" he said.

"That fits so well with Win's name" the demon who asked what his name was.

"Who is Win?" Team asked.

"That would be me little one" the blonde said giving him a sensual smile that made Team lock his knees in place so they didn't give out on him. What was it with this demon that man him want to do whatever he want?

"I'm Tharn" The one who told him Win's name said.

"I'm Korn" The one who wasn't Team's type said.

"I'm Kongpob" The one who first talked about burning alive said.

"I'm Pick" The one with mischief behind his eyes said.

"I'm Dean" The one with the soulful eyes said.

"I'm Tin" The one who was leaning against a white wall said.

"I'm Korn" The one sitting on one of the couches said.

"And you little one are offical a chosen one." Win said.

"I am not, from what I know of the legend, the villagers get to pick and-"

"The villagers broke the deal the moment they stopped send boys to the mansion the last time a little over two centuries ago when we were born so now things are going to be different till the deal is fixed that means I get to choose you as my mate."

"Oh hell no, I moving to England to start school at the University of Cambridge, I don't have time for this bullshit." He said before turning to the back door. Before he could to it he heard a whoosh and then Win was in front of him.

"H-How did you do that?" Team asked.

"Being a demon has it's perks" He said before grabbing Team's arms and pulling him up against his body so he could felt all of him including his- oh dear lord, he was fucking hard and from what Team could feel he was also huge. A finger went under his chin to tilt his head up so he was looking at him.

"I'm afraid little one that from now you are stuck here with us but I promise that I will take very very good care of you." He said before his lips landed on Team's. Team's eyes widen as he stood there to shocked to do anything.

I'm going to leave it there since I can barely keep my eyes open hope you like it.

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