Chapter 11

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Team woke up the same way he did the first night he was here with his head on Win's bicep and his leg thrown over Win's but this time he meant to do it. He looked up at a sleeping Win and smiled, he was happy and in love and a little sore. The memory of what Win did to him through out the night last night made him blush deeply. He then looked down at the tattoo on Win's chest and moved his hand up to trace it. Life couldn't be more perfect right now in Win's arms.

His stomach growling in hungry made him realize they missed dinner. He slowly pulled away from Win and got out of bed to go downstairs to make breakfast for them. He winced at his sore muscles before he limped over to the walk-in closet to grab a new pair of briefs since Win destroyed his last night. He pulled them on before he quietly snuck out of the room and headed downstairs then out the door to the stairs. He walked down the stairs and through the living room to the kitchen where he almost ran into Kongpob.

"Hey, glad to see you up and moving around." He said.

"Thanks, I have an errand to run so I'll see you later." Kong said before moving past him and heading towards the stairs. He walked into the kitchen to see Korn, Pick and Dean all drinking coffee at the kitchen island.

"Well well well look who it is Mr. I-Just-Had-Sex-All-Night-Long." Pick said making Team blush and glare at him.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"It wasn't hard to guess when you guys didn't show up for dinner." Korn said making Dean smirk and take a sip of his coffee.

" was it?" Pick asked.

"You really want to know how sex with your cousin went?" He asked. They all just stared at him. "You guys are fucking sick, I'm not telling you what happened."

"Oh come on we aren't asking for extreme details just a little something something." Pick said as Team warmed up two pieces of lasagna from last night in the microwave.

"Go watch porn and leave me alone." He said after he took the plate of warm lasagna out of the microwave then grabbed two forks from the silverware drawer before he left. He made his way to his and Win's bedroom and when he got into the living room he saw a half naked Win coming down the spiral staircase.

"I was hoping you wouldn't wake up so I could surprise you with leftovers in bed." He said.

"I went to cuddle you but you weren't there so I got worried." He said moving over to him to give him a kiss. Team moved his head to block the kiss.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet." Win just grabbed his face and turned it laying a kiss on his lips.

"I don't care" he said once he pulled back before taking the plate and one fork before heading to the couch to sit down. Team followed him and they ended up sitting facing eaching other both feeding each other bits of lasagna.

"What do you want to do today?" Win asked once they finished eating and had set the plate and forks on the coffee table.

"I don't know, what do you want to do today?" Team asked. The look that came over Win's face told Team exactly what he wanted to do today.

"Don't even think about it my ass is still sore from last night."

"I could make it so it's not so sore."

"No, hands off" he said pushing Win's hands away from him before he stood. Win growled making Team make a run for the door leading to the stairs. He opened the door and quickly stepped through it before shutting the door and running down the stairs. Half way down the first set of stairs he heard the door behind him open and footsteps following him. He picked up the speed and made it to the bottom before he raced through the living room and into the kitchen then into the dining room before he stopped short at what he saw outside. Seven super natural creatures stood behind the pool staring at him.

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