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     Oh my gosh, it's actually come! I'm writing this late at night, but I regret nothing!

     The Hunters were getting closer. Gon could feel it.

     "Are we there yet!?" Leorio asked, running after Gon.

     The scent was getting stronger by the minute and Gon was finding it easier to navigate the base. "We should be close!" He responded. They had to be.

     Gon kept on feeling like they could get caught any moment, like a SIA member was right around the corner. A part of him secretly wanted this, the chance to train, the chance to fight.

     But he realized that more than anything, he wanted to complete this mission. He had experienced an adventure, and all adventures must come to an end. It was now time to look on to the next challenge, as Hunters always do.

     Finally, Gon could see the light at the end of the path. They had arrived.

     The room they ran into hid no secrets. In front of them was a massive globe, almost filled to the brim with power. Tubes were connected to it, and there was a whole control board. It was a lab set up exclusively for this special power.

     Gon stood there, eyes wide, for a few moments. Then, Leorio shook him back to reality. 

     "Lucy gave you a collector Lacrima, right?"

     Gon nodded and took it out. He handed it over to Leorio. Remembering Lucy's instructions, Leorio cautiously put the lacrima up to the giant globe and waited.

     Over a few minutes, the lacrima slowly started to emit the same power as the globe. It became heavier. And then finally, Leorio felt like it was enough. He handed the lacrima back to Gon.

     "Great, now we just have to destroy this thing, right?" Leorio confirmed.

     "Yeah, leave that to me." Gon said, looking over at the control board. He got his Nen ready.

     "First comes rock..."




     With a single punch, Gon smashed the control board to bits. Static waved through the air, and the overwhelming energy from the massive globe slowly began to die down. And with that, so did the lifeline of the SIA. They had won.

     The electricity cut out. Gon and Leorio did a high five in the dark.

     "Can your nose guide us back?" Leorio asked.

     "I'm pretty sure." Gon said. "Let's go!"

     But then, the fireworks began.

     In that darkness, flashes of light erupted around the two of them. It was only when they began to feel heat, that Gon and Leorio realized with horror what those flashes were.

     The room was self-destructing! This had to be the SIA final plan. Take their enemies down with them.

     "Gon, lead us out of here!" Leorio yelled in panic.

     But the overwhelming smell of smoke was tampering with Gon's senses. He could no longer use his nose! And what if they accidentally ran into another explosion?

     So stuck in darkness, surrounded by explosions that could rip them apart at any moment, Gon and Leorio had no choice but to stand still and pray for a miracle.

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