Reunited PT 1

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Third Person POV

Kokichi awoke to bright sunlight filling the room. He sat up and looked around to find Hajime sorting through some papers. He must have noticed Kokichi was awake because he said "good morning Oma." Without looking up. Unable to speak, he simply raised his hand in greeting.

"You ready to go out?" Kokichi was clearly shocked at the question. He quickly reached for the notepad he'd been provided for the time being and scribbled down, "I don't think they'll want to see me."
Hajime read his response and frowned. "Why's that?" He questioned. Kokichi quickly scribbled down another sentence that read, "I did some stuff in the game that's pretty unforgivable." Hajime simply nodded. "Okay. I understand. You can't avoid them forever you know. Sooner or later one of them might come to visit you. You have to talk to them then." Kokichi turned back to his notepad and wrote a response. "I don't see why anyone would want to visit me." Hajime sighed.

"Well for now, I'm going to go get you some food, okay?" Kokichi nodded. With that, Hajime exited the room.

As Hajime entered the cafeteria, he was greeted by Chiaki. "Hey Hajime" she said, not looking up from her Nintendo. "Hey." Hajime said in response. "You got anymore news about Oma that would be alright to share with the students? Kaede has been bothering me about it for a while now." "I don't think it's best that they know anything for now." "Okay."

With that, Hajime left to get Kokichi some food.

Kokichi was chewing on his finger when the door opened to reveal Hajime holding a bowl of soup. He set the bowl down on the table next to Kokichi's bed. Hajime than left the room so that Kokichi could eat in peace.

For the next few minutes, Kokichi watched the steam coming from the bowl flow peacefully through the air, only to evaporate and disappear.

Eventually, Kokichi noticed how hungry he was and began to slowly scoop up spoonfuls of the warm liquid, ignoring the stinging pain every time he swallowed. He ended up only eating half of what was in the bowl.

Hajime opened the door and walked into the the room to find a sleeping Oma and a half eaten bowl of soup. He grabbed the bowl and walked out of the room and down to the cafeteria so that the bowl could be washed.

After he started heading back to the room, Hajime ran into Rantaro and Kaede. They asked eagerly if they could visit Oma. Hajime scratched the back of his head. "I'm not sure, he's still not doing the best, but I suppose it would be alright if you guys visited him. One at a time though." Hajime said. "Okay!" Kaede exclaimed, obviously excited to see Kokichi.

Hajime walked back with the two students, both skipping happily. "Wait out here while I check on Oma please." Hajime said. "Sure." Rantaro said, his tone cheery.

Hajime walked into the room to find Kokichi now awake. "You've got some visitors" Hajime said joyfully. Kokichi grabbed the notepad sitting on the bedside table and anxiously began scribbling down a sentence. "Who is it?" As much as he'd have liked to have human interaction, it all came down to who he would communicate with.

"Akamatsu and Amami, I think those are their names." Hajime said, making a thinking face. Kokichi sighed in relief. The only reason they would have to hate him would be that he's a pain in the neck sometimes, all the same however, Kaede was very kind and forgiving, same goes for Rantaro. He figured it was alright.

Hajime assumed that Kokichi was fine with them, but he wanted to double check. "So, you're good with seeing them?" He asked. Kokichi nodded.

"Alright, I'll go get them." Hajime said before turning around to talk to the two teens waiting right outside door in the hallway. "He's fine with you guys seeing him." Hajime said smiling. "Great!" Kaede said, her voice coated with joy. "I do have to warn you, his appearance has changed a bit, it's best if you just don't react to it." Hajime told him, his voice stern.

"Will do" Rantaro told the doctor. Kaede grabbed the doorknob and turned, giving access to the room on the other side. As she walked in Kaede opened her eyes in shock, but quickly remembered what Hajime had told the two, and quite frankly, she was just happy to see him again.

Kokichi's appearance HAD changed, and quite a lot, actually. His hair was now completely white, the color of newly fallen snow. His skin made it seem as though he hadn't been outside in years, as well as giving him a very ghostly appearance. His eyes were two different colors, one being purple, with tiny dark blue fragments, the other yellow, with tiny pale green fragments. His eyes were extremely dull, and he stared with a blank expression, seeming emotionless. His collarbone was now exposed, since he no longer had his scarf, as well as small scars littering his neck.

Keade rushed forward and loosely hugged him.

Kokichi was a bit surprised by this, but a few moments later he hugged back. He had first thought that a hug would feel like the press, a large sheet of cold metal pressing down on him, breaking every last one of his bones, the sticky pink liquid squirting outward at the last moment, and the darkness that followed. However, Kaede's hug was warm and comforting, and as she gently rubbed his back, all his anxiety melted away. He felt safe in that hug.

Small tears of joy formed in her eyes as Kaede said "I'm so happy to see you! We were so worried!" Kaede gently pulled away from the hug and looked at him, her bright smile nearly blinding Kokichi. He grabbed the notepad and quickly scribbled something down. "Really?" "Yes really! We were so worried for you! Even Maki said it didn't feel right without you!", She exclaimed.

Kokichi's eyes widened and his gaze became cloudy from tears. He wrote down another sentence in the notepad. "I'm sorry" Kaede read the statement and asked, "for what?" He looked back down at the notepad and began writing again. Once he was done, he held up the notepad for Kaede to read, the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "I'm sorry for everything. For how I acted, for the things I said, for being responsible for THREE deaths. I'm sorry I couldn't save anyone to begin with. I regret everything I did." Kaede read this and pulled him into another comforting hug. "You don't have to be sorry. We all misjudged you. You were only trying to help, and you didn't let anyone stop you from that. And in the end, if it weren't for you, everyone else might not have had a chance to escape, who knows?" She said, while rubbing his back.

He wanted to cry so badly. But not in front of Akamatsu, he thought to himself. She pulled away from the hug and before she left, she asked, "is it alright if Amami sees you right now? If not, that's okay. I'm sure he'll understand." Kokichi grabbed his notepad and wrote a response that read, "I'm a bit tired. If he still wants to see me, that's fine. But I kinda just want to sleep." "Okay! We can come by some other time then." She said smiling.

And with that, she skipped out into the loud hallway.

This is a bit longer than usual, and I wrote this in math class lol 😀 I hope you enjoy! Stay hydrated lovely people! 💞

Sincerely, Author-Chan

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