Chapter 1...

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Sharah's POV:

Today is the day that I, Sarah Rodgers, will apply for a job in California. I used to live in Florida.

My parents kicked me out and bought me a desent sized apartment. They paid all the bills for two months. Now its my turn....

I had a job interview at Starbucks, which was just down the street so no car needed. Just my skateboard. I picked myself out of bed and took a quick shower. I put on tan skinny jeans, denim flowy tank-top with my purple Jordan's. I grabbed my shades and my mustache necklace. (A/N:Outfit on the side) I left my hair down and pulled my bangs back. I used a bow to clip it in. I put my Ipod in my flower print book bag along with some sweets and money. I grabbed an apple and my skateboard and left my apartment.

"Good morning, Sarah." My neighbor, Mrs.Williams, is always watering her plants in the morning. She is the cutest 75 year-old Ive ever seen.

"Good morning Mrs.Williams." I replied with a warm smile.

"Please, I've told you many times call me Linda." She said ever so politely.

"Oh right forgot Linda, I'll see you later." I said locking my door. I rushed down the stairs and put my skateboard down on the sidewalk. I took my Ipod out and put on my headphones. I was still eating the apple. The song 'If You Can't Hang' by Sleeping With Sirens came on. I put it full blast and started skateborading and finishing my apple. I'm really enjoying this apple. I spoted a limping dog walk by I felt so bad I watched it until I crashed into a hard object. Then I realised it wasn't an object, it was a cute boy. I fell to the ground on my butt.

"Owww!" I said rubbing my head.

"Hey watch where your goi-" The boy stopped talking when he looked at me. Our eyes met. He had the most beautifulest hazel eyes ever on a human being.

"Uhhh sorry, here let me help you." The boy said said giving me his hand. I gladly took it and stood up.

"I'm so so sorry I should have payed more attention while I'm riding" I said picking up my skateboard and Ipod.

"No its OK. I'm Wes by the way" He said putting his hand out for me to shake.

"Sarah" I replied shaking his hand.

"Well I would love to stay and chat but I have to get to work." I said checking the time on my phone.

"Here let me put my number on your phone." Wes said grabbing my phone.

"Ok" Is all I could manage to say. I was still in shock on how FINE this boy is.

"There" He said giving me my phone back. He handed me his phone and I put my number in it and for my name I put: Sarah The girl who crashed into you :).

He smiled when he looked at the name. I grinned when I saw what he put: Wes That guy you crashed into.

"Hey I'll talk to you later ok?" I said getting my skateboard and rode down the street to Starbucks.

I entered the little Starbucks and there was a guy with a green apron already at the door waiting for me.

"Your late." He said with no expression. He looked around 20 something, and had his hair in a quiff. He was Blondie kinda, maybe a bit darker and green eyes.

"Oh sorry I crashed into someone and then I saw a dog without a leg and-" I was explaining until her interupted me.

"Do you know how to make coffee?" He asked.

"Yeah. My old job was in a Starbucks." I said smiling proudly.

"Why did you get fired?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I moved" I said smirking.

"Mhhmm. Fine you get the job. You start now." He said handing me a green apron.

"My name is Tyler by the way." He said smriking.

"Im Sar-"

"Hun I know I was the one who wanted you to work her because of your application." He said grining.

"Ohh" I said smiling.

"I like you. You seem like a cool girl." He replied pinching my cheek.

"Thank you. You seem like a cool guy too." I said.

"Ok so you are now my bestfriend." He said smirking. "Oh and by the way since your my bestfriend you should know that I'm gay." He said wanting to see my response.

"Omg thats so cool. I've always wanted a gay best friend!" I squeled with joy.

"Well get to work hun. You might my best friend but that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. You have a long day ahead of you" He said handing my a trash bag.

"Go take out the trash" He said motioning me to go.

Oh great......

(A/N: Hiii so I wanted to make an Emblem3 fanfic so here it is. Please comment what you think. It'll mean a lot.

~Tabatha ^.^ xx

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