Part- I

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This is my 2nd Story.
Many people enjoyed my story so I thought to write a story based on reality of our society.

In case of any gramatical error or mistakes, please forgive me...
(Notedown: This story contain Violent and Adult scene. Strictly for or above 18+ people)

Don't forget to



- Hey, you are Anirban's wife, right ?

- Yeah !

-You are so gorgeous ya, you are looking so elegant in this outfit !

- Thankyou so much,
where's your drink ?

- Oh!
I just finished one.

- Why only one ?
please come with me.

- No no, I actually have to leave. By the way, I am SHALINI , Anirban's college friend; we did our MBA together.

- Nice to meet you, Shalini.

- And your name ?

- Umm....
I am Anirban's wife. I think that's enough identity.

Shalini laughed for the sake of politeness and left.

Standing on the balcony of the 16th floor, RANJANA meditated in silence with the concrete giants in front.
A glass of Whiskey in her hand and a half-burned Gold Flake Light.

Anirban's company has opened a new branch,
In that hapiness, the party is going on at home. Anirban is rejoiced in the crowd of "CONGRATULATIONS".
Ofcourse he will be rejoiced afterall there is so much success at his work place,
He is a successful ENTREPRENEUR, people must keep him in mind.

ANIRBAN: What happened ?
why are you standing here alone ?

RANJANA: What will I do inside ?

ANIRBAN: Don't be so insensitive Ranjana, you are my wife.
Everyone wants to meet you.

RANJANA: That's why I don't want to go inside. Everyone wants to see your wife, not me.

ANIRBAN: It's weird !
why are you sounding so jealous ?

RANJANA: I am not !
I am happy for you, Anirban.

ANIRBAN: I don't think so Ranjana.

RANJANA: Anirban, just go and attend to your guests.

ANIRBAN: Going, atleast let me tell you what I came for.


ANIRBAN: I Love You.

RANJANA: You didn't come to say that,

ANIRBAN: Mr. TIWARY has arrived !

RANJANA: So, what ?

ANIRBAN: He wants to spend another night with you.

Ranjana remained silent. After a minute Ranjana turned away from Anirban with a helpless smile.

ANIRBAN: Look there is only one night,
Mr. Tiwary is an angel investor of our company. I got the previous funding for you, Do a little compromise again today.

RANJANA: Am I a prostitute, Anirban ?
Or I'm your toy whom you lend people when you need them ?

ANIRBAN: Look, I am thinking of our future, Ranjana; don't speak rubbish without knowing everything properly.
   To run a company we need to satisfy our investors, and if I will not ask favor from my wife, to whom will I ask for ?

RANJANA: I am just amazed to see you Anirban.

ANIRBAN: You will get time to be surprised, now please go and entertain Mr.Tiwary.
He wants you.


Next part will be updated.

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