Part- III

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ANIRBAN: Hey, what happened if you do not go to the office one day Ranjana ?

RANJANA: Many things.
You are the owner, if you do not go, it will go.
I am just an employee.

You are the owner's wife.

RANJANA: The client will no longer sit for us. They want a presentation today. Let me go Anirban.

Ranjana picked up the curry from the pan and poured it into her tiffinbox,
After taking a bath, she is almost ready after wearing shirt and pant.

Anirban will not go to the office today, he will spend all day lazily at home.
He went ahead and hugged Ranjana from behind.

ANIRBAN: You are getting dul day by day Ranjana.

RANJANA: Aah, leave..,
Don't bother.

ANIRBAN: Will the Mahabharata become impure if two people had fun together at home one day !

RANJANA: Many things would become impure.
Leave now.

ANIRBAN: Are you angry ?

RANJANA: Is there a reason for anger ?

ANIRBAN: I can't find any reason.

RANJANA: Listen, Shree will make a curry for the night.
I can't come in the kitchen again.

ANIRBAN: I will have dinner out tonight.

RANJANA: Do whatever you want. Now please move away from the front of my face, it's getting late for me.

The Calling bell rang.

RANJANA: Shree has also arrived. Go and open the door.

SHREE staggered into the room. Bruises all over her body.

RANJANA: What happened ?
How are you ?

Do you have vegetables at home ?

RANJANA: Yes, vegetables, meat, everything is there, after cooking give it to Dadababu for eating.

SHREE: Yes, you go.
Don't worry.

RANJANA: And listen, wipe the floor of the bed well, everyday I can see the dust.


RANJANA: And listen, I will be right back at 7 P.M., then go home.

With her vanity bag, Ranjana slammed the door and left. Shree went to the kitchen.

Anirban sat on the sofa and broke the paradox with a loud noise for a while, then he came and stood in the kitchen, behind Shree.

ANIRBAN: Hey Shree..?
Yesterday, your husband lammed you again ?

SHREE: .....

ANIRBAN: Listen, leave that old-aged man and live with me, I will keep you as my queen.

Shree became a little numb.

SHREE: Whhh.... What do you eat for lunch ?

ANIRBAN: I will eat whatever you give with love.

Anirban went ahead and hugged Shree tightly. Shree removed her cheek when he went to kiss her cheek.

ANIRBAN: Haven't you become very professtional ?
Will you not allow a little without money ?

SHREE: Leave it Dadababu, I want to work.

ANIRBAN: Hey, you will do the house work lateron, do my job first.

SHREE: Please leave me today Dadababu, there is pain all over my body.

None of Shree's words reached Anirban's ears. He pulled her saree and opened it. Shree stood with her eyes downcast.

ANIRBAN: Isshhh !
He has bitten you so badly ?
Comeon, I will apply a little oinment softly, come in my room.

SHREE: Please leave me today Dadababu, I am folding my arms.

ANIRBAN: Hey, Why are you so scared ?
Did I scold you ?
Beaten you ?
Come, I have got a medicine for your pain.

In one swoop, Anirban took Shree in his arms and took her to his bedroom. Shree swallowed everything like a lifeless stone.
The last covering of Shree's body was torn off and thrown away by Anirban.

"Stop it Dadababu, please stop it !" Shree wailed,
But Anirban wouldn't. His husky voice chuckled in her ear. She could feel the rough skin on his hand caressing her arm harder and harder.

"Calm yourself darling, you are too tense."
He taunted, pulling her closer to his chest. The stench of beer, sweat and cigarettes radiated of him, choking her, but she was unable to escape his grasp.
A sob escaped her lips and she pushed and pushed but he didn't budge. Laughing hysterically at her attempts, he was too drunk and horny to care.

"Let loose my queen, I am pro at this" he sniggered hands sliding slowly down to her waist.

The more she resisted the harder he pushed.
It hurt.
The tip of each nail dug in to her bare back a little more each time and spasms of fear shock through her as the pain of his controlling grip pulled her down.
She tried to releive herself of his weight but her mind was numb and body paralyzed. Lost in this confusion.
Losing her fight, she let go. What more could she do.

Anirban enjoyed Shree's body like an animal. Shree looked towards the ceiling, her face is wavy.
There is probably no life left in her body.

Shree's broken phone was in her right hand. A message came on the phone.

"I will be back sharp at 7 P.M."


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