Part- IV

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ALERT FOR ALL- Most pathetic part of the story till now


- Sir I am Ranjana, I have come for your Secretary's interview.

- Oh !
Hi Ranjana, I am Anirban, the CEO of this conpany,

RANJANA: Thankyou Sir,
Sir, all these are my marksheets, certificates, all....

ANIRBAN: Wait wait Miss. Ranjana, I don't need all these certificates.

In the advertisement that....

ANIRBAN: All of that has to be written.
Look, I want a secretary who will do what I want them to do,
There is no need for all this.

RANJANA: ......

ANIRBAN: So Miss. Ranjana,
I have heard that you have a paralysed mother back home.


ANIRBAN: And you need this job desperately,
Right ?

Ranjana lowered her head and swallowed. She knows exactly where the conversation is going.

ANIRBAN: Answer me !


ANIRBAN: Then do what I say.

Ranjana lowered her face, left the chair, stood up and walked towards Anirban.
With eyes full of greed and lust, Anirban started opening the buttons of Ranjana's shirt.
Then he stopped and told her :
- This is my address go and be ready in my room.

Ranjana looked helplessly towards the floor and said yes sir.

It's been 30 minutes,
Ranjana is lying on the bed in a desperate attempt to look as fuckable as possible.

" Ahh, you must be Angel ".
The mans cold, husky voice sent a shiver down her spine.
Ranjana cleared her throat.

" Yes I Am ", Anirban shut the door behind him and slowly walked in.

" You know I paid the good amount of salary to fuck you so I hope you hear my voice clearly " ,his voice was sharp and left a painful sting in the air.

" Yes sir, just tell me when you want to begin ", Ranjana squeaked.

" I want to start now ", be demanded.

He blindfolded her and tied her down to the bed.

ANIRBAN: I have one question.

RANJANA: Ask away.

ANIRBAN: Are you virgin ?


" Mm Fuck ", he whispered.

It felt like hours passed before his hand slipped up against her inner thigh,
a moan escaped her mouth.
He proceeded to yank off her panties,
stroking her slit.

" Mm if you fuck me right I will pay you double " ,his fingers slid onto her clitoris, her moans of pleasure filling the room.
His motion stopped just as her body craved for more he spread her legs as she felt his cock glide against her slit.

" Do you feel that Ranjana, that's my big, fat cock, if I hear you whine about the pain I will punish you ", his harsh words ate into her soul.

Soon Ranjana felt a pain filled pleasure as Anirban slid his cock into her, it was too big for her but he rammed it in there and start pushing it further to her, she couldn't take the pleasure and pain anymore,
" HOLY FUCK DADDDY", Ranjana screamed as he began pounding her even harder,
" What did I say, not a peep", he immediately removed his still rock hard cock from her vagina and proceeded to go over to the adjoining table where a variety of toys were meticulously laid out, then all of a sudden she felt something smooth penetrate within her as she realised he inserted a vibrator, she began smiling then he turned it on, and her eyes filled with tears as her body pulled against the restraints, he then flipped her over and pounded her ass until she couldn't take it anymore and he shoved an even larger vibrator in it, then he shoved his cock into her mouth, taking out the vibrator from her vagina and replacing it with his cock he rammed it into her,
completely silent besides a few grunts.

" I am gonna cum inside you and I want you to cum with me " ,he slapped her ass as they both finished off,
her pussy juices leaking everywhere,
mixing with his cum.

Before she knew it, she was being untied from her restraints.
" Holy fuck " she thought, her legs like jelly as she stood up, quickly cleaning up the mess after he left the room.

Last part of the story will be updated.

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