Part- II

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- Uff....wait.
I am coming.

By puting hem of the torn saree inside the waist SHREE quickly opened the door:
- Why are you pushing the door so hard ? The condition of this door is so bad, what if it was broken ?
why do you drink so much alcohol everyday ?
My nose get cut off infront of whole SLUM.

MADHAV staggered into the room and slapped Shree on the cheek. Then he shouted with his entangled voice.

MADHAV: You are a pig,
Don't you understand that you will not squeak everyday ?
Weather I drink or not,
What the hell is happening to your father ?

SHREE: You don't have the ability to drink with your own money,
you waste my money every night.

MADHAV: I do the right thing,
What will you do with the money ?
What will women do with money ?

SHREE: Yes, we are not human,
What will we do with the money ?

MADHAV: You have to bring money, you have to give in my hands, I will drink and do whatever I want.
What's so troubling about it everyday ?

SHREE: Do you understand that I have a life ?
I will work from morning to afternoon, at the end of the day I get beaten up by my drunk man..

MADHAV: Shutup,
just shutup !
Go quickly and heat the food.

Wiping her eyes with her hands, Shree went to the oven to heat the food. It has become a regular nightmare in their home. At first Madhav used to drive van, he got into an arguement with the owner and quit that job.
Shree works as a servant in a rich house, they drag their domestic life with that money.
And after that Madhav get drunk and torture on his wife every night,
It is really unbearable !

MADHAV: What the heck ?
Give me whatever money you got today. Stock of my domestic alcohol is finished, I will go to buy it.

SHREE: Didn't pay today.
DADABABU was not at home.

MADHAV: What do you mean by Dadababu was not at home ?

SHREE: Dadababu went to work.

MADHAV: Tell the truth, Shree ?

Shree tried to hide the money tied to the hem of the saree from Madhav's eyes.

SHREE: I said you na.. Dadababu was not at home, don't you understand that I work as a servant ?
I am not a prostitute that I will sell my body everyday and bring more money home.
I have a standard of respect.

MADHAV: Bitch, what is your honour ?
By selling your body, if there is more money in the house, where is the problem ?

SHREE: Even if you do something, more money will come home.

lower your voice and talk !
And who are you to tell me wheather I will work or not ?

Shree could not hold herself back, broke down in tears.
She started shouting loudly.

SHREE: I will say.... yes !
ofcouse I will say,
I have to work hard all day for you,
You are the reason, I have to go to that hell everyday to work.
That animal eats my body everyday,
It was difficult for me to walk home...

MADHAV: Don't shout...

SHREE: That man rapes me everyday..
There is nothing you can do as a husband...
You have no power to do anything....You are a blemish in the name of men.

MADHAV: I told you, don't shout !

SHREE: Drinking alcohol every night, you beat me like this...
You never think about me...

Madhav got out of bed, took the broken leg of the chair beside him and staggered towards Shree.
He gritted his teeth in anger.

Then late at night, the sound of wailing floated around.


Next part of the story will be updated.
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