The Journey

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As they traveled, they fought off thousands of walkers to find a safehouse.

It was a few miles was abandon nothing was around nor were there any walkers. The four teens walked in to find...dead bodies all over the place and scattered in different places...Courtney and Carrie were disappointed in the situation the boys they didn't care what was there they just wanted to be inside and away from the dead.

After a few days they had moved from place to place away from walkers

and the most bizarre infected zombies they ever come across was a zombie that was named Tank he was built like a gorilla, but was two times buffer, his face was terrifying and his tongue stuck out like a dog that runs for a ball. Another they called a Smoker half of his face and body were normal the other half was bulky as a person getting stunged by multiple bees...his tongue was his ultimate weapon it stretches from the top of a building all the way to a building that could be long as a football field away it releases substances that were foul like the garbage combined which also attracted the other walkers and

It also makes them attack the person as he drags them along to their death.

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