The Journey part 2

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Dante and Trevor were lookouts while the girls were coming up with escape strategies for all of them to escape. "Yo Court! how's it goin' with the escape plan or whateve?" Dante yelled through the window as he kept lookout making sure he hasn't alerted any walkers.

Trevor on the other hand was gazing at the stars and ended up stargazing, but soon ended when he was knocked out of his chair by Dante who stood over him, he gave him a look and said "the hell you doin' Trevor, why you staring at the sky, like a dog stares at a bone?" Trevor spatted back "Surprised you know how to use a simile, let alone pass a class." Dante snorted not wasting his time with him and walked off to continue his job lookout for walkers.

Courtney walked out while she left Carrie to figure out the rest of the plan she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips saying, "What are you two doing we thought y'all were protecting us not trying to pick a fight with each other.", "Well sweetheart I'm doin' my job but I don't know 'bout sir ass a lot over there." Dante said while his back was to her but,

she could tell he was smirking cause the way his voice sounded. She rolled her eyes and looked over at Trevor who was sitting on the ground by a chair that has fallen over she gave him a glare and said, " What the hell Trevor? Get you lazy ass up and help Dante look for walkers or I myself

will personally make you bait!" with that she walked off back into the house with her nose pointed up closing the door behind her. Dante looked over an smirked at Trevor as he he glared at the door Courtney once stood and mumbled something under his breath and started to get up and walked towards the edge where Dante stood on the opposite side staring off in the distance while mumbling under his breath.

Dante on the other hand was kneeled down while looking back and forth while wiping his nose to fight away the smell and starts to get up and walked back to the house as the girls were finishing up planning on escaping the city and going out of state. He opened the door and peeked his head inside to tell the girls that they are clear to leave the place but suddenly they heard gunshots go off Dante turned his head and saw Trevor fighting off 3 walkers that were charging him.

He rushed over and took out his machete and started to swing at the walkers knocking their heads clean off pulling Trevor shotgun down swinging his machete at a walker killing the last one before more showed up, Dante pulled Trevor by the collar and pushed everyone back into the old house locking the door and walked up to Trevor and punched him square in the face screaming, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SHOOT? HUH?!? YOU STUPID OR SOMETHIN'?!?! YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN US KILL!!!", "DANTE! Calm down he didn't mean to do it, it was self-defense he understands not to shoot it but that's the only thing he had in hand...", Carrie said defensively for Trevor while giving Dante a stare as he was being held back by Courtney for almost killing Trevor.

Courtney had to throw Dante back which caught him off guard, " Dante seriously please calm down the more you yell the more it'll attract the walkers so please calm down....please." She gave him a pleading face, causing him to sigh,"Alright! Alright...I'm..I'm...sorry...Trevor." He walked over to him and put his hand out to call truce.

They shook and walked opposite ways and sat across each other Carrie walked over to Trevor to ask if he was alright while Courtney was talking about the escape strategy. " Alright guys we need to figure out a way to get out and fast im pretty sure those walkers are on there way to the sound of the gunshots so is the backdoor safe to go out? or can we push through the front door and fight our way?", " We could try the back i'm sure the back way is clear but the front not a chance we'll be fresh meat to the walkers literally." Dante said as he was standing by the window looking out see walkers by walkers coming up to the house.

He slowly backed up and said "Let's go out the back heh...cause theres no way we're going through that...I mean shit there's a lot of walkers out there." and he was right there were probably loads and loads of them out there...they're only option was to head out to the boat thats nearby...they really needed luck on their side...

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