The Secret Escape

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Later around midnight the four teens snuck over to where Dante made the hole by the wall that was facing to the direction of the docks he moved a rock that was covering up the hole to reveal a big hole that a greyhound could go under. " Ok everyone move out we gonna make this quick and we gotta go unnoticed." Dante whispered lowly to the others as he started to move the rock out of the way.

Elisia noticed he had what looked like wolf scars on his right arm, but she didn't ask about them.

As they quietly crawled through the hole barely having any light as Dante closed up the hole and started crawling out backwards as he accidently booty bumped Carrie knocking her down.

Elisia and Trevor helped her so that Dante can get out and not suffocate.

As they all made it out they started to run quietly away from the fort towards the Airport. They knew the journey was going to be a long one so they got a head start. As the morning had risen the teens knew things were about to go down when the people knew they were gone.

As they moved further towards the airport they made a resting stop at an old house they founded.

They stayed in the house for a few nights, but heading out the next day they even took a truck with them that was full of gas.

It was a long drive to the airport but they made it...even with a few minor obstacles in the way, as they rushed to the doors Dante stopped the others with a face of unsureness, "Uh I dunno guys...but I think we should go through the back already I see walkers lurking in there...back probably safer." He said making the others agree but Trevor still wanted to go through. As they drove around back they saw the first plane in sight. "Woo! A plane jackpot haha!" Dante cheered as the others cheered with him.

All of a sudden the truck was jerked to the side nearly making the truck turn over causing the teens to scream. Dante looked in the rear view mirror...his eyes widen when he saw the people from days ago, "Shit!" Was all Dante said the others looked back getting their guns ready and started firing at the truck behind them.

Trevor busted one of the tires making the truck swerve flipping over as a couple of more trucks were coming. "Shit shit fuck! Dante go faster they're gaining!" Elisia yelled as she keep shooting at the trucks Carrie and Trevor keep shooting the windows out hitting the drivers and the gunmen making the trucks swerve off flipping over crushing the others in the process.

Dante heart raced as he made it to a nearby plane, he ran to the planes opening the doors shooting the walkers that were falling out.

The others followed Carrie got into the pilots seat with Trevor beside her as Dante and Elisia were checking the rest of the plane which was clear and ready to go.

Carrie started the plan and checked all mirrors making sure everything was clear. "Were all clear head out!" Trevor yelled over the blades of the plane. Carrie moved the plane on the airway and started to lift the plane off the ground...ready to head out of the place they called hell.

All of a sudden a bullet shot through grazing Dante's ear, "Ahh shit! What the fuck? " he hissed as he held his ear they waited for another one but I just they were to high off the ground to where a bullet could hit.

"Son of a bitch...better be lucky we're in the sky...ahh fuck.." Dante said as Elisia tended his ear with alcohol wipes holding his head as he flinched away. But little did they know they were being followed by another craft. An unknown survivor who also wanted to escape...

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