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        I've always know that I was....different.

Different from most people I have ever encountered. Judging by their stares every time they look at me, it was proven correct. They kept whispering about me whenever I passed by. Strange that even though they're whispering, I could still hear them. Old and young. Female and male. Strangers even my own relatives, they are all the same. Constantly murmuring my name. Common nicknames often pop out from their conversations too.


Tin can.


Honestly, it doesn't bother me at all. I don't care what they call me, may it be behind my back or in front of my face. Other than the slight inconveniences I have to deal with people like them, it was nothing. I felt nothing. No happiness. No sadness. No fear. Just darkness and emptiness. Ever since I was little, I was always like this. Is there something wrong with me? Why can't I....feel, like other people do?

I wonder what it's like to be ....happy.

What does have it takes to make me feel happy? To make me feel sad? Or fear? Will that day ever come?

Be careful of what you wish for.

"Cry!" a very tall man in front of me shouted. "I SAID CRY KID!"

I was not shaking nor trembling. My eyes were wide but not by fright, instead it was filled with curiosity. The man was glaring at me. I wonder, what does he need from me? Does he know me? Cause he doesn't look familiar at all. Out of nowhere, he grabbed a knife. He smirked at me, still I didn't respond. Somehow my lack of reactions irritated him. In that instance he swung the knife against my skin on my torso region. All I did was winced in pain, however no scream came out of me.

"STOP IT! HE'S JUST A CHILD! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU!" mom pleaded from the corner where she and my dad were tied at.

In the middle of the night, this man came to our house. He won't steal anything, he announced once he had everyone in one room. He's just here to visit someone, he said. And that someone is me.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM OUR CHILD? PLEASE! DON'T HURT HIM!" dad begged, his voice cracking. Both of my parents were crying.

I envy them.

"Hmmm?" The stranger responded. He glared at me, smirking, "What if....". He approached my parents, taking his time as he do so. I remained where I stand, putting pressure on my bleeding stomach. He continued, "What if I kill your parents? Children cry when their parents died, right?". "YOU'RE INSANE!" Dad barked at the strange man.

He shown his crooked smile, "let's start with you then."

"PLEASE DON'T! DON'T HURT THEM! PLEASE! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING TO ME, JUST LEAVE MY HUSBAND AND CHILD ALONE!". I should do something. I could give the man what he wants. Except, even if I forced myself to cry, no tears were shedding from my eyes. I tried to search for another way. I could call the cops? They would help, right? They would save my parents, right?

While he was busy with dad, I rushed to the nearest telephone and quickly dialed the emergency hotline. The house was filled with dad's screaming. I couldn't look, even if I wanted to.

Someone quickly answered from the other line, "Hello? You called the 112, police department..". I quickly blurted what's happening to my house right now. They didn't really have to ask more question other than the address, since my dad's scream is the only proof they will ever need. Right then, I was hastily pushed to the floor where my parents at. I crumpled in pain, my wound was throbbing.

He abruptly cupped my face with his one hand and face it to my parents, "look! At your father! He's dead! This is your fault kid! All I ever want is for you to cry. Now..." his grip was getting stronger, it's starting to hurt my jaw.


"Why?" I asked, my mouth is pretty much restrained by his palms. He breathed, "What?"

My face was ice cold, the opposite of what I should be reacting. I managed to let the words come out from my lips, "Why do you want me to cry so much?". He scoffed, "because I wanted to know if it's possible for you to cry." I don't know what he meant, but threatening me didn't cause my eyes to swell up. I glanced over my mom. She mouthed, "I love you."

"I'm sorry." I weakly responded back. With that, mom attacked the man with her strength, using her body to pin him down. Both of them tumbled. "BABY RUN!". I didn't know what came over me. I obeyed her will so deliberately. It all happened so quickly. I headed to the back door and straight to the road.

I run as fast as I could. Not because I was afraid that he might catch me, but to get to the nearest town as fast as possible where I could ask for help. It was really dark and cold, I could barely see anything. Just then, a bright light flashes before my eyes. I could hear the sirens from a few meters away. It's the cops. Finally.

As expected, we were too late. I'm inside the police car with a white blanket over my shoulder and my wound completely stitched up and dressed. From what I heard when I was in the ambulance, it was deep and long for a kid to calmly handle, but here I am not whining about it. They find it strange, a reaction that I'm used to. Right after, they ushered me to the police car apparently they need my side of the story to help with their investigation. All I did was comply without any further questions about it and made my way to the car.

Through the car's window, I caught my parents' body draped with a white sheet. They're really dead. There's no denying it. Not very far from my car that I'm in, were two officers discussing the case. Another prediction of mine was correct, the man who killed my parents got away. They didn't know what's his motives were. Just like the stranger said, he didn't steal anything. No piece of furniture, appliance or gadget were out of place. Well aside from the knife he used. One of the officer said that maybe they could get something once they watch the CCTV footage from our house and do a background check on him alongside my testimony about the incident.

Strangely, the conversation trailed off to me.

"How's the kid doing?"

The other officer glance over to the car. He saw me through the glass, I didn't look away. For some reason, the officer cringed when I continued to stare at him. The officer with a beard, who I was still looking at, faced his colleague and answered, "I don't know. The kid is oddly calm. It's lowkey disturbing."

The other guy changes his expression. It looks like...he's frowning?

"Maybe, the kid is just in shock. A lot of victims, especially kids undergo that."

Am I in shock? I couldn't tell, I'm always like this.

"I don't know man. Is it weird to be scared by kid?.."

Am I scary?

He continued, "I bet he just watch his parents get killed without even fazing. He just staring at them with a blank look on his face like he is doing right now. "

That's not...true? I- I-

The other policeman defended me, but he can't hide his expression that he's doubting my innocence, "You're being r-ridiculous. Let's just go to the station and get this over with"

There's no hope for me, is there?

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