Spiders in me

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Today is Monday it was a regular day but something was at my house house is tiny black spiders I didn't know if it was anything to worry about so I just kept going on with my day it was 12 o'clock at night I was playing PS for with my friends Jamie Adam and Charles I said to my friends I am bit tired now guys so I'm gonna go to sleep so I logged off and went to bed little did I know that that was my last night of comfort. I fell asleep around about one in the morningBut little did I know that it was going to be my night of hell suddenly a spider slowly walked up to me and was on my arm I felt a little pinching but this one did I know the spider was digging into my skin burning my skin my fresh felt like it was burning That very moment I felt it blood oozing down me slowly hearing the noise just hitting on my apartment floor I thought the blood was going to lick down but it didn't spiders came pouring out  me each fighter laid on  egg and egg after egg webs everywhere blood everywhere nothing to say but hell and catastrophic

Chapter to the hazmat suit
I jumped out of Bed almost shitting myself praying for the spiders to pop out with me like tiny children Coming out of your mothers I ran to my nearest closet got the nearest hazmat suit the reason why I had hazmat suit is because there was a recent gas attack near my neighbourhood so I kept a spare just in case anyway I jumped into it as fast as I could praying for no spiders to jump at me and attack my areas luckily they didn't I rushed out my front door I had to go down 50 sets of stairs because my flat is five stories up I ran to the nearest bus stop said take me to my mum's and 15 acre Street Night on the news I've been hearing about the spiders they say that the right into your skin and lay their eggs repulsing flatulent tiny little pieces of crap I was terrified I went all around my mothers house looking if there were spiders I found three spiders I slowly murdered them I put them in the oven and burn them because I was too afraid to let them outside because they may come back in I was so scared I flick through the TV channels After watching the news I found a documentary channel about spiders so is my idiot stuff I decided to click on it to my horror they were in my neighbourhood looking at the spiders around the street how they all popped of the mother but there was an exec she didn't make one they just flew each spider started to go boom boom boom to each other racing as they go across the street millions and trillions of spiders popped out
Chapter 3 the death of my sun

Tiny spiders all around the world tiny pieces of bodies everywhere laying there and suffer a pain it's spider make the house into a house slowly deteriorated the human is inside making sure to not drop the last bit of blood in the next month the next house they went to was my make marks  He is my son I am terrified of what may happen to him he rang me on the telephone saying Daddy I am scared my husband has just popped out to get some food and I'm home alone Daddy I don't know if I'll see you again but I love you and I'm sorry. Sorry the spiders are in my house there is nothing I can do help me help me. Cried whilst slowly crying I would love you to spiders burnt in deteriorated his skin millions and millions of spiders the only thing well that was left was earring the size of a  6 cm tarantula.

Chapter 4.  Funeral
It was my sons funeral I was devastated I thought the day would never come that I Petersfield but here I am standing here with his boyfriend Jack  He cried and cried and couldn't stop crying his front gates were just pouring out flooding  Flooding out the coffin you can only see his bones shuttering it was my turn to say a speech in the after funeral I said oh mark mark mark mark what would Without you my only child your mother have been so proud to see you today doing what you're doing although she left when she was younger she still loves you I wish you could be here to share this moment your mother passed away when your phone and told you I just wanted you to think that she was ill but she couldn't one another to see you I'm sorry son for all these lies I've told you now there's have Jakes a couple of words hi my name is jake I am Mark husband I have known him for such a long time now I wish you didn't have to go I wish it was me instead of himI'm trying to say this because I never had a father he was such an arse he didn't give a shit about me or anyone else he was in prison for 15 years when I was younger so I go up in a hatred sad family my mother was a  drug addict What is popping her pills and smoking that down if I went out when I was 15 to join a gay club it was in my school it was called pride I met him there he never told his dad until he was 20 I thought it A bit odd because he may be ashamed of something but anyway I'm going to miss him very much and I hope in the great sendoff in the world everyone in the room broke down shedding tears crying the room was so flooded with tears spiders going to drowned but just at that moment they did big giant spiders burst through the door and just went straight for the open casket they took up my son and ran why the hell would they do this I said I cried out Jack was like no my baby they took him somewhere they dug up all the way undergroundI haven't seen him since he is coughing was just a empty loan coughing that night I went to bed at 6 o'clock I thought someone laying next to I thought in my head hell no not another night of spiders so I ran to the kitchen grabbed a knife and stabbed it directly where they were but it turns out it wasn't the spider it was my sons reflection in the mirror I cried all night watching his baby memories and his photos I got a call about one in the morning saying dude it's Jack come over now I need to tell you something so I did.
Chapter 5  the really reason
I I got in my car as quick as I can driving at 50 mph max trying to get my dead son's husband's house immediate when I got there I feel a bit nervous but I don't know why there was a creepy feeling but I suddenly realised that it wasn't his house it was all okay but I wouldn't anyway Jack was inside and he was sitting there crying his poor little eyes out and I asked him what was wrong Jack said I can't give you any more I need to tell you what really happened your son it was me I said I was like what do you mean and he said do you know the spiders yeah I am a secret scientist I developed to the poison that makes spiders dangerous I said what the hell why the F would you do that he is your husband and he is my son I am calling the cops on you and you are going to prison for life to help with you and to hell with your family I said but he said wait it wasn't me who killed him now the spider is dead I meant for them to kill big creatures like snakes not to kill humans and what about the ones in my house I said he said he said oh I've planted those their women are here for a trial so you wanted to kill me I said and he said noI just wanted to test what a hell with you get out of my life you stupid fat Little Of crap I hate you and I hate all your family burn to hell with all of you I ran home bursting into tears I called the police on him and they arrested him 15 years he got only 15 years I really fought it was the end of me and my family dynamic Christina she was a beautiful woman she change my life for ever we got married we had another charger in and she was a Sexy adorable woman she made my life non-miserable anymore she had two kids Jack and Mark I was destroyed my heart crashed as I told her that my son died and his name is Martin and his reporting boyfriend's name was Jack she said I'm so sorry I was like it's okay you didn't know and she was like it's okay they're only in high school but I want to know dam I'm sneakily went out to the pub they won late at night I had a couple of pints of lager and a couple of shots drunk as I was I still kept believing in myself and I couldn't think of my wife now how beautiful she is and how amazing she is and how I couldn't get wait to go home with her and see her one last time because I knew I was dying with cancer you say but I never told anyone I always used to tell my wife I'm just going out to the pub which I was which wasn't very good for me because I had a liver and lung disease cancer I always think it's the last night so when IWhat time I decided to tell my wife I've just been to the hospital they say I have cancer and I might have very long left she burst out in tears saying can't live without you is there any truth and I said no is there any further in I never knew until today I'm sorry I'm really sorry that night I had a very bad liver and stomach cramps I went to the hospital. Doctor said it was an infection that spread it across my heart my love and to my liver I was like oh damn not again that little rascals and get a kill me too I told the doctor what it happened and he said well despite us could still be inside of you they took an x-ray and it turns out they were I went straight to her operation they tried to extract them but the last thing I remember was my wife give me a kiss good night I never woke up since they wake me up with another seizure but it was a very strong ones I was still out after that I just like baby is that you she was like yes darling kisses you survived they got every single spider out of you and they killing them right now She said I dropped dead into tears I was crying and crying and crying I could've had a swimming Paul is how much tea as I was late but then I suddenly saw a red mysteriously come out of my behinds inside I was like oh no it's blood and she screamed for help from the doctor the doctor came over and said you're dying again that night I passed all I can tell you good night and don't let the bed bugs bite.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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